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Algonkian-Manitou Council


Ustrój: Triumwirat (nan2.67)
Stolica: Unknown
Przywódcy: *Civil Chief - Joseph Bear, Bobby Beara. Pozycja jest dziedzicza.
  • War Chief - Doxtator, ze szczepu Oneida.
  • Ceremonial Chief - Laura Hawksford (piąty raz z rzędu).
Populacja: 5,066,000 (SoNA.20)

Inni: 1%
PKB (na głowę ¥): 18,500¥
SINlessi w przybliżeniu: 21%
Poniżej granicy ubóstwa: 22%
Powiązania z korporacjami:: 18%
nieskończone liceum:16%
średnie wykształcenie:54%
tytuł naukowy:5%
Główne grupy etniczne

(Według SoNA s. 20)

  • Tribal Affiliation: 52% of the total population
    • Ojibwa (Chippewa): 33%
    • Haudenosaunee (Iroquois): 31%
    • Algonkian: 20%
    • Manitou: 5%
    • Inne szczepy: 11%
  • Angielski: 86%
  • Iroquois: 35%
  • Algonkian: 24%
Główne Religie


PKB (razem ¥): Unknown
Waluta: Nuyen (¥)
Usługi medyczne: Medicarro Coverage: 20%
  • Gwarantowany czas reakcji: 10 minut

CrashCart Coverage: 15%

  • Gwarantowany czas reakcji: 20 minut


  • 2045 - Adrienne Silvermoon, an Elven shaman, establishes the elven Manitou tribe, and the Algonkian Council amends its name to the Algonkian-Manitou Council.
  • 2050 - Crop failures force the country to seek aid from outside the country. Aztechnology steps in to aid the nation's starvation and economy problems, scoring exclusive contracts to the Council's main export in the process.
  • 2050 - Adrienne Silvermoon is nearly ousted by political opponents. However, key members of the opposition die under mysterious circumstances.
  • 2051 - Derek Highsun leads a coup against Adrienne Silvermoon. Silvermoon reportedly dies after a spirit she summons mysteriously turns on her.
  • 2061 - February, A terrorist bomb destroys the Aztechnology building in Calgary, killing the Civil Chief, Bobby Bear, and the War Chief, Hillborn. Anti-Manitou sentiment starts growing.
  • 2061 - listopad. The Hudson Bay Incident. Military and Aztechnology forces attack a boathouse, suspected of harboring ecoterrorists. All inside the boathouse are killed, and the some of the dead turn out to be leaders of the Manitou tribe.
  • 2061 - grudzień. surviving Manitou leaders hold an emergency policy meeting at the Lynn Lake Great Lodge. After the third day, all media and non-elven persons were excluded, and the elven leaders of the Manitou hold a secret meeting for the next week.
  • 2062 - 1 maja. The Manitou Council is formed and declares it will no longer acknowledge the Algonkian Council's authority, claiming all lands north of the Churchill River.


The Algonkian-Manitou Council is governed by a triumverate of three chiefs, a Civil Chief, a War Chief, and a Ceremonial Chief. All three must agree on national policy decisions. If they do not agree, then nothing happens, leaving split decisions deadlocked. As of 2063, the positions are filled as follows:

  • Civil Chief - Joseph Bear, son of Bobby Bear. This position is hereditary.
  • War Chief - Doxtator, from the Oneida tribe (one of the Haudenosaunee/Iroquois tribes).
  • Ceremonial Chief - Laura Hawksford, serving her fifth term.

Aztechnology ma olbrzymi wpływ na AMC.

Police and law enforcement are subcontracted to a local security company called Long Arms. They work closely with Aztechnology, sharing databases on terrorist activity and security armor and weapons.


The territory of the AMC stretches from the Hudson Bay to a border close to the former Canadian-US border, occupying much of what was formerly the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, with portions of Alberta.

Several noteworthy lakes reside in the territory, including Lake Manitoba, Lake Winnipegosis, and Lake Winnepeg. The Churchill river flows through the northern part of the AMC, delineating the border of the newly-formed Manitou Council and the rest of the country.

Główne miasta[]

  • Calgary
  • Churchill
  • Fort Albany
  • Grand Rapids - Not to be confused with Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  • Lynn Lake - The Great Lodge of the Manitou Council resides here.
  • Regina
  • Saskatoon - Stolica
  • Thunder Bay

Inne miejsca warte wymienienia[]


The AMC operates on a light- to medium-level industrial economy, with industrial centers at Saskatoon and Grand Rapids, with factories turning out economy car models (the Manitoo and the Arcadian) and a variety of construction machinery. Daihatsu-Caterpillar has opened a plant in Red Lake, and Yokogowa has industrial presence. However, the nation's income is largely based on agriculture, growing stonewheat and neo-triticale and selling it to other North American countries.

Obecność korporacji[]



Native American Nations, Volume 2, consistently calls the country the "Algonkian-Manitoo Council", while SR3 and Shadows of North America call it the "Algonkian-Manitou Council". There is a major population gap between Native American Nations, Volume 2 and Shadows of North America (22,548,000 vs. 5,066,000).

Linki zewnętrzne[]


This page forked from Wordman's The Sixth World: A geographical index to the world of Shadowrun

English language Anglojęzyczne hasło na Sixth World Wiki : Algonkian-Manitou_Council