Shadowrun Wiki


The Fourth World, also known as the Age of Legend aka The Fourth World of Magic, was the previous cycle of magic before The Sixth World. The game Earthdawn takes place in the Fourth World. When the Fourth World began is unknown, though the average length of a World is 5,200 years. The Fourth World ended when magic diminished, and the island of Thera, enshrined in myth as Atlantis, sank into the ocean on August 12, 3113 BC. Some denizens of the Fourth World have lived to see the Sixth World.

List of personalities of both the Fourth World and Sixth World[]

Immortal Elves[]

Immortal Elf List

Great Dragons[]

Jest tak niewiele Wielkich Smoków, że można spisac każdego z nich.

Wielkie Smoki Wschodnie[]

Wielkie Pierzaste węże[]

Wielkie Smoki zachodnie[]

Wielkie Lewiatany[]


Linki zewnętrzne[]

External Links[]
