Shadowrun Wiki

Main Gates: Auburn Enumclaw Road And SE 408th Street, Auburn
LTG#: 1206 (87-4918)
Director of Auburn Operations: Vice President Craig Wakazuru
Uprzedzenia: Brak

Most of Federate Boeing's military and experimental aircraft are made in these huge factory buildings and their smaller research labs. Security is understandably tight. Thus, Tourists, who are usually granted privileges at other Federated Boeing facilities, are confined to a single air museum just inside the main gates.

<<Craig Wakazuru is planning to retire and Jessica Sirianni, Director of Aircraft Weaponry, is the front runner to take his place.>>

The huge Federated-Boeing complex in eastern Auburn consists of factories, research labs and other facilities focused on the development and construction of the corp’s military and experimental aviation projects, making this facility the most top-secret Boeing complex in Seattle. The corp takes advantage of Auburn’s relative isolation to provide heavy security on the entire facility. Visitors must have passes just to go through the main gates, and security checkpoints are scattered throughout.
