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7329: First Run[]

ISBN: 1-55560-323-8
Edycja: Trzecia
Status/Availability: in print/common
Krótko: Kolejna książka z kilkoma przygodami.
Autor: Michael Mulvihill
Okładka: Matt Wilson
FASA (przygoda, 64 strony)
Data wydania: Kwiecień, 1999

Fajny pomysł. First Run to antologia trzech kompletnych przygód opracowanych tak, by pomóc ci poznać Shadowrun Third Edition. Chociaż skierowana do nowych graczy, First Run da weteranom wskazówki, jak utrudnić zadanie doświadczonym graczom. Rodzaje przygód są różne: od typowej strzelaniny, poprzez run na obiekt badawczy korporacji, po przemyt. Napisana przez autora Trzeciej edycji, Michaela Mulvihilla

Food Fight[]

An update of the adventure of the same name that appeared in the first edition Shadowrun main rulebook. It's still a very simple "run" that mainly introduces the combat system to players, and the only changes over the original version (below) are in minor details.


The PCs are hired by Novatech to bring a small company, that used to belong to Fuchi (which broke apart in 2060), under the Novatech umbrella. Renraku, however, is also after this company, and the PCs will have a few run-ins with Renraku forces. All in all the adventure will take less than 24 hours.

Site of Desecration[]

A free spirit has allied itself with residents of the Cascade Mountains to harrass the smugglers coming through the area, forming a group called the Tooth. Sometime later, the PCs are hired to go into the Cascade Mountains to meet up with some smugglers; however, the Tooth have stolen the cargo the runners are to take with them to Seattle, so the PCs will have to go after this group and negotiate and/or fight to get it back.
Thoughts: All three are decent adventures, and although they may be too simple for experienced groups, that's not what they are aimed at. A group of new players will have a good introduction to Shadowrun adventuring with this set, and the fact that the book provides all kinds of pointers for inexperienced gamemasters should make it much easier to use than most other FASA-published adventures. My recommendation is to make this one of the first things to buy if you're new to gamemastering Shadowrun (right after the main rules, of course).
Similar Products: Food Fight, Silver Angel
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