Shadowrun Wiki
Shadowrun Wiki

The FASA Corporation (often referred to simply as FASA) was a company which produced role-playing games, other text and board adventures, as well as video games in later incarnations.

Founded around 1980 by Jordan Weisman and L. Ross Babcock III, two of FASA's most popular and far reaching game lines are Shadowrun and BattleTech.

In the early 1980s, FASA was licensed by Paramount Pictures to make a role-player based on Paramount's Star Trek Movies and the preceding series. Influences of the animated Trek were allowed in the license, and the game somewhat followed other non-canon Star Trek, novels and comics. Conversely, information from the FASA version role-player has influenced and been included in later novels and comics, and games. Despite the non-canon nature of the game, information devised by FASA designers has even influenced canon Next Generation era filmed productions made by Paramount themselves.

FASA's game evolved to a TNG Season 1 sourcebook published in 1988, but the contract with Paramount ended shortly thereafter, because of licensing difficulties.

FASA closed its doors around 2001 after 20 years, but the creators continue to license new games based on the creations released under this company's names.

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