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Shadowrun Wiki

A dwarf or metavariant infected with HMHVV. Victims of the disease lose most of their hair and body fat, becoming skeletally emaciated. Like other vampiric variants, goblins gain enhanced smell and taste, chronic essence loss, and rapid regeneration, though they lack the usual immunities of other vampires—substituting them it with an invulnerability to fire, a mild sunlight allergy and a vulnerability to iron. The goblin diet largely consists of raw meat—presumably the method by which they drain the essence of others. Goblins are also capable of spreading their infection to others, though their preference for dead prey tends to preclude this in many cases. Goblin sentience is still a debated topic among most of the parabiological establishment, as most observed specimens have suffered a signifigant loss of intellect, with many individuals seeming to be no more intelligent than the great apes. The UN Committee on Awakened Sapience has thusfar declined to make a definitive ruling, though most most nations have already legislated various protections in order to avoid any future embarassments should the ruling come out in favor of classifying goblins as sentients.

Goblins are HMHVV-infected dwarfs. Virally induced changes include the loss of almost all body hair and fat; the latter reduces the goblin’s body mass to the point that its skeletal structure is clearly visible. Goblin ears are large, long, and slightly pointed. Its favorite food is raw meat, and it prefers the dark recesses of abandoned buildings or underground caverns. As with other HMHVV-afflicted species, most goblins suffer from severely reduced intelligence, though they remain capable of some coherent speech. A dwarf who becomes infected with HMHVV and turns into a goblin uses its normal Attributes.

B: 5 Q: 4 x 2 S: 6 C:I: 1/5 W: 5 E: 2D6 R: 4

INIT: 4 + 2D6
Attacks: Humanoid
Powers: Enhanced Senses (Smell, Taste), Essence Drain (Permanent), Immunity (Fire), Infection, Regeneration. Some also have Magical Skills.
Weaknesses: Allergy (Sunlight, Mild), Essence Loss, Vulnerability (Iron)

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