Shadowrun Wiki




Stolica: Madrid
Ustrój: Parliamentary Monarchy
Przywódcy: President Antonio Perez
Populacja: 38,521,900
PKB (razem ¥): Unknown
PKB (na głowę ¥): 27,600 Euros
Waluta: 1 Euro = 1 Nuyen (¥)



The actual rulling political party is the Partido Monarquico, a strong centralist and right-winged political force. They have some strong metahuman-haters among them.

Second after them is the Partido Liberal, of catalonian origin, which is a more economy-centered party.

A third strong party is the Partido Militar, which endorses the idea of initiating a military update with strong backing funds. Still, they've been loosing influence since a high peak reached after Ibn Eisa's revival.

The Partido Verde, based out of Galicia, is an ecological party of a more left-winged tendency. Rumours have them related to galician ecoterrorist cells.

Other minor parties exist, though they are less important.

The actual King is Juan Carlos II, an orc, and his rule is being a tumultuous one since Spain is a strongly-racist country. In fact, the country was near a civil war during 2064, when his father died and left both him and his brother (a human) with a possible access to the Crown; Spain's society divided, but after the dissapearance of his brother (and with him, his claim to the throne), Juan Carlos II reached the spanish throne and has been trying to develop his functions in the best way possible.

The political system is based on two sepparate chambers. The first, the Congreso, is the one that rules over all the country, and its congressmen decide the laws that govern everyone. The President of the country is elected from this chamber. The second chamber, the Senado, is dedicated to the representation of all the different Autonomous Comunities, each of which has four senators; this chamber is a centre of stron corporate (and underworld) intrigue, as they try to influence the government.



AAA Corporate Presence
Saeder-Krupp is the AAA with a strongest presence. Not only does it control the heaviest industries, but it owns Viento Systems, which is the traditional Matrix provider in the Country(cd.84)
Renraku Computer Systems in Madrid (cd.79)
Aztechnology has its European HQ in Barcelona (SoE).
Ares has a strong presence in Euskal Herria(SoE)

'AA Corporate Presence
Sol Media Corporation, has its homebase in Barcelona (SoE).
The Spanish Bank has its homebase in Madrid (SoE).
Meridional Agronomics has its homebase in Granada (SoE).


Relations with Germany: Germany Sourcebook, pg 43.

2033: The European Economic Community, southern France, Italy and southeastern Europe shatter into hundreds of city-states (sr2.28).

Year of the Comet mentions the existance of a space-pad in the Canarian Islands.

Shadows of Europe features a whole chapter on Spain, and many other chapters have aditional details.

State of the Art: 2064 has a brief entry on the development of the Crown conflict.

External Links[]


This page forked from Wordman's The Sixth World: A geographical index to the world of Shadowrun