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Specjalny Region Administracyjny Hong kongu


Ustrój: {{{government}}}
Stolica: {{{capital}}}
Przywódcy: {{{leaders}}}
Populacja: {{{population}}}
Inni: {{{pop_other}}}
PKB (na głowę ¥): 500 tyś USD
SINlessi w przybliżeniu: {{{sinless}}}
Poniżej granicy ubóstwa: {{{poverty}}}
Powiązania z korporacjami:: {{{corporate}}}
nieskończone liceum:{{{ed_under12}}}
średnie wykształcenie:{{{ed_hs}}}
tytuł naukowy:{{{ed_grad}}}
Główne grupy etniczne




Główne Religie


PKB (razem ¥): brak
Waluta: {{{currency}}}
Usługi medyczne: {{{medical_service}}}

Time Line[]


Hong Kong declares independence from China in reaction to communist crackdowns. British diplomats stall a Chinese retaliation while corporate backers secure control of the new free city.


Wu Kuan-Lai, founder and CEO of Wuxing, Inc., builds his new corporate headquarters at a carefully picked location in Aberdeen.


The Red Dragon Association quickly becomes the most powerful Triad in Hong Kong, with the great dragon Lung at its head.

2025 do 2029[]

The first major wave of Asian refugees flood into a neutral and prosperous Hong Kong following the Republic Civil War in China and the failed Nationalist Revolution in the Philippines.


Wu Kuan-Lai passes away and leaves control of the corporation to his son, Wu Lung-Wei.


The Nationalist War between the Canton Confederation and Taiwan results in a second major wave of refugees who settle in Hong Kong.


The Wu family and Wuxing, Inc. receive a number of valuable bequests from the will of the late dragon Dunkelzahn.


Wu Lung-Wei completes his father’s dream and forms the Pacific Prosperity Group, a pan-corporate trade organization designed to combat Japanese economic control of Asia.


Astral space becomes visible to mundanes around the Wuxing Skytower in Aberdeen.

2062 do 2063[]

A violent Triad war breaks out between the Red Dragon Association and its main rival, the Yellow Lotus Triad, resulting in the destruction of the latter syndicate.


In the wake of Crash 2.0, Government reforms change the process of determining Hong Kong’s government.


The pro-democratic and anti-corporate organization 9x9 first appears in Hong Kong.



Since winning its independence from the People's Republic of China the Hong Kong Free Enterprise Zone has been governed directly by the corporations that inhabit it. There are two main governing bodies in Hong Kong: the Board of Governors and the Executive Council.

Board of Governors[]

The Board of Governors consists of corporations whose headquarters reside in Hong Kong. Oftentimes foreign corporations avoid this requirement by simply applying for admission to the Board through a local subsidiary. Membership on the Board is decided by a 3/4 vote of the current Board. There are currently twenty-eight corporations residing on the Board of Governors

Executive Council[]

The Executive Council is effectively both the legislative and executive branches of Hong Kong Government. It is made up of eight Hong Kong citizens chosen to serve on the Council by the Board of Governors for eight year terms. Council members cannot be elected to consecutive terms. Every two years, two new slots open up on the Council and the Board of Governors replaces them in a closed door session. Every year the Council votes one member to be Chairman of the Council. There is no limit to how often a Councilmember can be the Chairman during his term. It is the Chairman's job to set the Council's agenda. Laws presented to the council are passed by a six vote majority.

Current Council (2070):[]

  • Deng Sai-Kan, Chairman
  • Diego Mangabat
  • Yi Jing-Ze
  • William Wu
  • Mei Sterling
  • Tai Kong
  • Shan
  • Dr. David Tan


Mapa Hong Kongu


Obecnośc korporacji
Ares Asia Holdings (rh s.36)
Aztechnology Australasia (rh s.36)
Daiatsu, Inc (rh s.36)
Eastern Tiger Corporation (rh s.37)
Evo NavTech (rh s.37)
Hildebrandt-Kleinfort-Bernal (rh s.38)
Horizon Group (rh s.38)
Kuroyama Geosource (rh s.39)
Mitsuhama Hong Kong (rh s.39)
Pacific Prosperity Group (bib s.76-77, cd s.107) Saeder-Krupp SwissBank (rh s.39)
Shibata Construction and Engineering (rh s.40)
Renraku Computer Systems (cd s.78)
Xiao-Renraku Computer Systems (cd s.78, rh s.42
Yamatetsu (cd s.116)
Yokogawa Corporation (rh. 42)
Wuxing, Inc. (poad.71, bib s.77-78, cd.102-109, yotc s.76-84, rh s.41)


Underworld Sourcebook, s.53, 56.
Blood in the Boardroom, s.71-72.
Portfolio of a Dragon, s.77.
Runner Havens, s.5-60.


  • 2015: Formation (sr3.30)
  • 2015: Britain attempts to aid Hong Kong, but is duped by corps (lon.18).
  • Most heavy industry controlled by Mitsuhama (cd.63).
  • Geomancy big in Hong Kong (poad.83).
  • Hong Kong is a zone of wild magic (mits.87) and visible astral space (yotc.79).
  • Wuxing Skytower is built at the intersection of two major dragon lines (yotc.79).

Linki zewnętrzne[]

This page forked from Wordman's The Sixth World: A geographical index to the world of Shadowrun

English language Anglojęzyczne hasło na Sixth World Wiki : Hong_Kong_Free_Enterprise_Zone