Jukatan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FLAGA: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Slash and burn
Smarting from being kicked out of Denver, Aztlan wasted
no time in attempting to prove itself elsewhere. Ever since the
2050s or so, when the Campeche district of Aztlan rose up in
rebellion, the bloody-minded country had been aching to retake
control of the Yucatan and assert its authority. With plenty
of recalled troops at hand, the government sent them into the
Yucatan to slash and burn everything they encountered, which
they did until the environment began fighting back. March 15,
2062 saw an earthquake, tidal waves, and storms hitting the
Yucatan, pushing the Aztlan offensive back and touching off
warfare between nature and toxic spirits. The Azzies have been
squatting and waiting for things to die down until they can go
back in, but I have a feeling it’s never going to stop until one side
or the other is defeated… and I hope for everyone’s sake that it’ll
be the toxics.
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