Ka•Ge — A Survival Guide to an Impolite Society[]
Nazwa czasopisma pochodzi najwyraźniej od japońskiego słowa oznaczającego "cień". Wymowa (ang.): "caw gay." . Był to magazyn Shadowrun Network, wydawany przez AWOL Productions of Columbia, MO, USA na licencji FASA Corporation, pojawił się w połowie 1991, a ostatni numer ukazał się w 1994, kiedy AWOL przestała funkcjonować. i Ka•Ge przestało istnieć. Dlatego, jeśli zobaczysz reklamę Ka•Ge w starych dodatkach do Shadowruna, nie musisz od razu do nich pisać (MATT: tym bardziej, że FASA też już się nie zajmuje Shadowrunem).
Ka•Ge był całkiem nieźle wydawanym czasopismem, wcześniejesze artykuły były napisane przez wydawców SR, ale w późniejszych numerach pisali już fani - członkowie Shadowrun Network. Ich jakość była różna, jak to zazwyczaj bywa z materiałami fanowskimi, dlatego w Ka•Ge można było spotkać zarówno perełki, jak i prawdziwy syf.
(Specjalne podziękowania dla Tony-ego Rabiola-i za dostarczenie zrecenzowanych tutaj numerów Ka•Ge —Gurth)
Numer zerowy, Czerwiec 1991[]
- Squasher and Squeeker (fiction),
- Kontkaty & Archetypy: High Security Warehouse (self-explanatory),
- Ka•Ge Run: Fishing Season (przygoda),
- Dante: Local Boy Makes (No) Good (opis bohatera niezaleźnego),
- Archetype (PC),
- Questions & Answers (wyjaśnienie reguł),
- Grumman Cargomaster (pojazd), Off The Shelf:
- New Products (cyberwszczep),
Writing On The Wall (world background)
Wydawca: nieznany (prawdopodobnie James Long)
Stron: 22
Opis: To be added.
Uwagi: Autorzy poszczególnych artykułów są nieznani
Volume 1 Issue One, październik 1991[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Net Notes: Welcome To The Shadows (editorial, J Long),
- Lucy (long short story, James D. Long),
- Ka•Ge Author and Artist Guidelines (what it says),
- CYCO Circuits (corporation description),
- No Free Parking (adventure),
- Former Company Decker (archetype),
- Contacts, Off The Shelf (utilities & cyberdecks),
- Q&A (rules explanations/additions),
- Reviews (well, erm...)
Wydawca: James D. Long
Stron: 30
Overview: To be added.
Volume 1 Issue Two, Winter 1991[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Net Notes (editorial, JLong),
- Just Another Night (short story, George Pace),
- AWS (corporation description),
- Contacts,
- Archetype,
A Night in the Sound (adventure),
- AWS NPCs (NPC descriptions),
- Run For It (scenario ideas),
- Q&A (rules explanations),
- Off The Shelf (equipment),
- Reviews,
- Writing On The Wall (world background)
Editor: James D. Long
Stron: 30
Overview: To be added.
Volume 1 Issue 3, First Quarter 1992[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Net Notes (editorial & letters, James D. Long),
- Ragfeather (short story, GB Pace),
- Privat Investigator (archetype),
- Contacts,
- The Dwarven Technical Guild (corporation description),
- A Short In The Dark (adventure),
- Stranges In The Night (scenario ideas),
- The Torque Wrench (location description),
- Off The Shelf (equipment),
- Sprawl Survival (tips for characters),
- Paydata (reviews),
- Writing On The Wall (world background)
Editor: James D. Long
Pages: 30
Overview: To be added.
Volume 1 Issue 4, Second Quarter 1992[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Notes From The Net (editorial & letters, James D. Long),
- Paterson's Guide To Paranormal Animals (critters),
- Lone Star File (gang description),
- Shadows (archetype & contacts),
- The Awakened Citizen (2050s legal hassle),
- The Retching Rat (adventure),
- Off The Shelf (equipment),
- Neo-Anarchists Guide (Boston city description, Stephen Kenson),
- AWOL Release Form (1992 legal hassle),
- Paydata (reviews, James D. Long),
- Graffiti (classifieds),
- Writing on the Wall (world background)
Editor: James D. Long
Pages: 48
Overview: To be added.
Volume 1 Issue 5, Third Quarter 1992[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Notes From The Net (editorial & letters, James D. Long),
- Paterson's Guide To Paranormal Animals (critters),
- Vengeance (short story, Brantley Bryant),
- Lone Star File (encounter ideas),
- Shadows (contacts & archetypes),
- The Awakened Citizen (2053 legal hassle),
- Turring's Guide to Organizations (company description, Michael W. Harris),
- Neo-Anarchist Guide (city description, Michael W. Harris),
- Off The Shelf (equipment, James Buchanan & others),
- Paydata (reviews),
- Graffiti (classifieds),
- Writing on the Wall (world background)
Editor: James D. Long
Pages: 48
Overview: To be added.
Volume 1 Issue 6, Fourth Quarter 1992[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Notes From The Net (editorial & letters, James D. Long),
- Paterson's Guide To Paranormal Animals (critters, Michael W. Harris),
- The Nights Change of Plans (short story, Chad Olson),
- Shadows (contacts & archetypes),
- Neo-Anarchist Guide (city description, Michael W. Harris),
- Turring's Guide to Organizations (company description, Michael W. Harris),
- Jolly Ol' Elf (short story, Victoria Kichhoff & Curtis Martin),
- Off The Shelf (equipment, Michael W. Harris, James Rommell & Jeff Hosty),
- Paydata (questions, answers, & reviews),
- Graffiti (classifieds),
- Writing on the Wall (world background)
Editor: James D. Long
Pages: 48
Overview: To be added.//
Volume 1 Issue 7, First Quarter 1993[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Notes From The Net (editorial & letters, James D. Long),
- Paterson's Guide To Paranormal Animals (critters, Stephen Kenson),
- A Closer Look (short story, Chad Olson),
- Shadows (contacts & archetypes, Brian Walker),
- Neo-Anarchist Guide (country description, Craig Gafney),
- Turring's Guide to Organizations (company description, Craig Gafney),
- The Awakened Citizen (2050s Australian law, Craig Gafney),
- An Ounce of Preparation (short story, Robert Frager),
- Paydata (questions, answers, & reviews),
- Graffiti (classifieds),
- Writing on the Wall (world background)
Editor: James D. Long
Pages: 48
Overview: To be added.
Volume 1 Issue 8, Second Quarter 1993[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Notes From The Net (editorial & letters, James D. Long),
- Paterson's Guide To Paranormal Animals (critters, Stephen Kenson),
- First Contact (short story, Chad Olson),
- Shadows (archetype, Brian Walker),
- Neo-Anarchist Guide (city description, Stephen Kenson),
- Turring's Guide to Organizations (shadowrunners, Stephen Kenson),
- Instruction Takes a Turn (short story, Simon Foster),
- Paydata (errata & reviews),
- Graffiti (classifieds),
- Writing on the Wall (world background)
Editor: James D. Long
Pages: 48
Overview: To be added.
Volume 1 Issue 9, Third Quarter 1993[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Notes From The Net (editorial & letters, James D. Long),
- Paterson's Guide To Paranormal Animals (critters, Stephen Kenson),
- Wonderland (short story, Chad Olson),
- Shadows (archetype, Bryan Walker),
- Turring's Guide to Organizations (company description, Chad Olson),
- Business Unusual (short story, Vicki Kichhoff),
- Off The Shelf (equipment, Stephen Kenson),
- Paydata (reviews),
- Graffiti (classifieds),
- Writing on the Wall (world background)
Editor: James D. Long
Pages: 48
Overview: To be added.
Volume 1 Issue 10, Fourth Quarter 1993[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Notes From The Net (editorial & letters, James D. Long),
- Paterson's Guide To Paranormal Animals (critters, Stephen Kenson),
- Chasing Ghosts (short story, Chad Olson),
- Shadows (contacts & archetypes, Sean Parrack),
- Turring's Guide to Organizations (company description, Chad Olson),
- Who Your Friends Are (short story, Vicki Kichhoff),
- Paydata (reviews),
- Graffiti (classifieds),
- Writing on the Wall (world background)
Editor: James D. Long
Pages: 48
Overview: To be added.
Volume 1 Issue 2, First Quarter 1994[]
Articles & Authors (where known):
- Notes From The Net (editorial & letters, James D. Long),
- Patterson's Guide To Paranormal Animals (critters, Peter Williams, Sean Parrack & Corey Gulley),
- If As Beast You Don't Succeed (short story, Michael A. Stackpole),
- Shadows (contacts & archetypes, Sean Parrack & JB Buchanan),
- Corporate Shadow Files (company description, Stephen Kenson),
- There Are Shadows And Then There Is ... (short story, Chris Hussey),
- Paydata (questions, answers, & reviews),
- Turring's Guide to Organizations (magical group description, Stephen Kenson),
- Off The Shelf (equipment, Teras Cassidy & Michael Morris),
- Graffiti (classifieds),
- Writing on the Wall (world background)
Editor: James D. Long
Pages: 48
Overview: To be added.
Notes: There are two issues of Ka•Ge called "Volume 1 Issue 2". This is one, the other is the real issue 2, above.