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Shadowrun Wiki


Śródmieście Seattle

W głównej dzielnicy Seattle można znaleźć sklepy, parki, teatry, muzea i hotele.

As a result, downtown Seattle is not just a forest of skyscrapers rampant with crime, but a sampling of the finest Seattlites visit the area by choice during their free time.

When asked, a typical citizen might complain of crowds, smoggy air and crime, but on weekends, the sidewalks are packed with Seattlites arriving from outlying areas to shop or otherwise have a good time. Even when the city is in a Stage Red smog alert, downtown Seattle is thick with people wearing breathers, braving the bad air to do their shopping and clubbing.

>>>>>[Downtown Seattle is the headquarters and area of chief concern for both the Yakuza and the Mafia crime gangs. BY some estimates, the downtown area nets the two syndicates almost a third of their yearly take. In certain sections of the district, it is difficult to find a business that isn't owned by one of the two or forced to pay money to remain open (the Internaional District for the Yakuza, the Harbor Island area for the Mafia).]<<<<<

Populacja: 545,000   
  Ludzie: 63%
  Elfy: 13%
  Krasnoludy: 2%
  Orki: 19%
  Trolle: 2%
  Inne: 1%

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