Shadowrun Wiki
Shadowrun Wiki

The Malaysian Independent Bank (or MIB) is unique in that it barely has any physical world presence, doing nearly all of its operations online. Its physical presence is limited to a mailbox and some computer servers, and supposedly it is “headquartered” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Its CEO is Zeta Ahmad Aziz (son of the original founder of the MIB). It follows Islamic law in relation to money-lending, resulting in asset-trading as the basis of its lending.

The main host for the MIB is on the Kuala Lumpur grid. The iconography is that of an elaborate and breathtaking palace made of ebony and teakwood. Inside the host is a thick Borneo forest in an anime style, with sculpting done by Mangadyne, a fellow PPG member. Passive IC are usually big-eyed, small-mouthed furry creatures, while Proactive IC typically takes the form of Mecha. Security deckers also prefer the Mecha look (with sysops sporting silver armor and lower level deckers wearing red armor).

The MIB started as a financial institution conglomerate, born of remnants of banks that were ruined by the Crash Virus of 2029. It sold itself to investors as an offshore tax haven for foreign venture capitalists. It drew many customers from the Underworld and shadows, including the Triads, and found itself learning to conceal its operations through false trails, anonymous transactions, and shell companies. As it grew in size and importance, many investors spurned by the Pacific Rim Bank turned to the MIB for its cheap rates and secure (and anonymous) financial and data storage. In 2058, the CEO Zeta Ahmad Aziz made a surprising purge of the more “shadowy” elements within the bank, rooting out the Triads and other Underworld investors. With their new “clean” image, they joined the Pacific Prosperity Group as its main financial banking institution, putting it at odds with the Pacific Rim Bank. After the Matrix Crash 2.0 which left it almost a smoking ruin, it was bought by the megacorporation Wuxing.
