Shadowrun Wiki
Shadowrun Wiki

The so called “Matrix Industry” encompasses all economic activities related to telecommunications and online computers, everything that is part or connected to the Matrix, the set of communications networks established after the Crash of 2029. Contents such as newsfax or online games are either treated as part of the Matrix Industry or as part of the Media Industry.

The Matrix Industry can be broken down into four fields: electronics, connectics (hardware), data treatment and virtual reality (software).


Major Players[]


The two major players in the Matrix hardware scene are Novatech (formerly Fuchi) and Cross Applied Technologies.

Other players:

  • Mitsuhama Computer Technologies—Focuses on high-grade desktop and portable computer systems.
  • Renraku—Recently hurt in reputation by the SCIRE shutdown, sales are still solid.
  • Saeder Krupp—Owns Siemens-Nixdorf and other Matrix hardware manufacturers.
  • Microdeck—Produces low-cost hardware for the average consumer, such as home desktops.
  • Mueller-Schlüter Infotech—Produces high-quality cyberdeck parts for the European hardware market.
  • Transys Neuronet—Produces the Highlander cyberdeck.
  • Fairlight Incorporated—Produced the fabled Excalibur cyberdeck, the top-of-the-line in Matrix hardware. After the Crash 2.0 they produce the Fairlight Caliban commlink


Top Tier:

  • Novatech—Its subsidiary FTL Matrixware produces killer software, persona code, and cascading IC. Subsidiary Matrix Systems focuses on system sculpting and architecture.
  • Renraku—Produces an amazing variety of IC, defensive programs, and Self-Autonomous Knowbots. Subsidiary Wakatta Software produces data-conversion and compression software.

Other players:

  • Cross Applied Technologies—Cross’s Matrix Technologies Division produces top coding utilities, business utilities, and other software.
  • Mitsuhama Computer Technologies—Focuses on IC development.
  • Transys Neuronet—Known for custom-tailored persona programs and utilities.
  • Tablelands Software—This Pueblo company produces high-end operational and special utilities, and has a government contract with the Pueblo Corporate Council.
  • Virtual Reality Inc.—Another Pueblo company, VR Inc. focuses on defensive utilities.
  • NeuroTech Computing—A subsidiary of Telestrian Industries, it produces neural networks and expert systems.
  • Cyberdynamix—Division of ECC Eurotronics that produces clones and knock-offs of Novatech and Renraku products.
  • Mangadyne—Part of the Pacific Prosperity Group, Mangadyne produces IC iconography with an anime theme, on par with Novatech’s IC.
  • Horizon Software—Based on discount pricing and low-end software, Horizon is a clearinghouse for quantity, rather than quality.


  • Matrix, s.154-157