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7325: Missions[]

Released: 1996 according to the credits, 1997 according to the back of the book
Authors: Brian Schoner, Zach Bush, Louis J. Prosperi, Jennifer Brandes & Christopher Hepler
ISBN 1-55560-181-2
Price: $15.00
Pages: 96
Edition: Second
Status/Availability: in print/common
Plot: Missions has four adventures in it, designed primarily for non-shadowrunner characters, and intended to be used with sections of the Shadowrun Companion that provide guidelines for campaigns which feature the player characters as something other than shadowrunners.

Shadowrun Misje[]

Praca zbiorowa
Oprawa miękka
215 x 279 mm
ISBN 83-87376-99-X
Rok wydania: 2000

Śmieci chodzą na akcje w cieniu – Wy przyjmujecie MISJE

Na każdego runnera w mieście przypada jedna osoba taka jak ty, pracująca po drugiej stronie cieni. Staracie się odróżniać. Jako część Drużyny Wezwań Wysokiego Zagrożenia DocWagon widzicie walkę zupełnie inaczej, starając się uratować klienta. Możecie nosić odznakę Samotnej Gwiazdy, otrzymać rozkaz wejścia w cień, który przysięgliście zwalczać. Możecie być lojalni wobec swojej korporacji, dumnie chronić jej tajemnice i własność przed innymi, gotowymi was załatwić. Jako reporterzy możecie próbować odsłonić te sekrety. Jeżeli kochacie swoją ojczyznę ponad wszystko, możecie poświęcić swoje życie pracując dla rządu i być gotowymi do wykonania wszelkich zadań.

Misje to cztery przygody do Shadowruna, które pozwalają mistrzowi gry i graczom poeksperymentować z alternatywnymi pomysłami na przygody, zaprezentowanymi w Shadowrun Kompan: Poza cieniami. W przygodach tych, gracze mogą się wcielić w oddział Wezwań Wysokiego Zagrożenia DocWagon, tajniaków z Samotnej Gwiazdy, agentów ochrony korporacyjnej, rządowych komandosów, a nawet w drużynę z mediów. W Misjach są także zawarte sugestie do połączenia tych przygód w kampanię i wplecenia w nie już istniejącej drużyny runnerów. Misje przeznaczone są dla mistrza gry i graczy na każdym poziomie zaawansowania. Do użytku z Shadowrunem.

Under the Influence: The PCs are Lone Star cops investigating the disappearance (and re-appearance a short way into the adventure) of one of their colleagues, and uncover a plot where a street doc is trying to make the perfect gang by implanting his patients with a device that will make them obey him, and then forget all they did while the device was active.
Malpractice: A former DocWagon employee wants the PCs (who can be either shadowrunners or regular DocWagoneers) to infiltrate DocWagon and uncover someone who's been selling confidential information about patients. They'll go through basic training as well as some real emergencies during their investigation, and get the chance to do some good if they want to.
Mission: Mars As AresSpace security employees, the PCs are to investigate whether someone knows more about the photos published in Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets than they are telling—and as a result, if there is more on Mars than there appears to be. NASA is trying to keep exactly this information secret, and actively opposes the PCs.
King of the Mountain: In this adventure, the PCs are UCAS Army Special Forces soldiers given the mission to find out what is happening in a mountain fortress, located in the Trans-Polar Aleut Nation, and occupied by a magical/religious cult led by a crazed, former colonel.

Thoughts: The fact that these adventures are intended for non-shadowrunners is the biggest weakness of the book—you'll either need to play them as one-off adventures with characters made especially for these adventures, or run them as part of an ongoing campaign in-between adventures you made up yourself. The former is okay if your players don't mind the lack of continuity, while the latter means you'll only use a quarter of the book for a campaign, which isn't really value for money I feel. Sure, some of the adventures include guidelines for playing them with shadowrunner PCs anyway, but this goes against the idea behind the missions somewhat.
Additional Thoughts by Mark Steedman: Malpractice and Mission: Mars both easily convert to runners doing them, in fact Malpractice rather assumes the characters are "semi-shadowrunners." The hitch is that if you actually complete Mission: Mars the Draco Foundation showers shares about, though as happened to the team that got them off me Damian Knight may take an interest in recovering them, the Draco Foundation being hard to push about, while a few shadowrunners are rather easier. Under the Influence I ran for runners by having them be the folks hired to stop the cops. Ok completely different angle but it actually worked out quite well as the team involved where on good term with the AAA-corporation involved.
Similar Products: none
Survey Rating: 5.7 (14 votes)



7325: Missions

Released: 1996 according to the credits, 1997 according to the back of the book
Authors: Brian Schoner, Zach Bush, Louis J. Prosperi, Jennifer Brandes & Christopher Hepler
ISBN 1-55560-181-2
Price: $15.00
Pages: 96
Edition: Second
Status/Availability: in print/common
Plot: Missions has four adventures in it, designed primarily for non-shadowrunner characters, and intended to be used with sections of the Shadowrun Companion that provide guidelines for campaigns which feature the player characters as something other than shadowrunners.

Plik:7325 Misje.jpg

Shadowrun Misje
Praca zbiorowa
Oprawa miękka
215 x 279 mm
ISBN: 83-87376-99-X
Rok wydania: 2000

Śmieci chodzą na akcje w cieniu – Wy przyjmujecie MISJE

Na każdego runnera w mieście przypada jedna osoba taka jak ty, pracująca po drugiej stronie cieni. Staracie się odróżniać. Jako część Drużyny Wezwań Wysokiego Zagrożenia DocWagon widzicie walkę zupełnie inaczej, starając się uratować klienta. Możecie nosić odznakę Samotnej Gwiazdy, otrzymać rozkaz wejścia w cień, który przysięgliście zwalczać. Możecie być lojalni wobec swojej korporacji, dumnie chronić jej tajemnice i własność przed innymi, gotowymi was załatwić. Jako reporterzy możecie próbować odsłonić te sekrety. Jeżeli kochacie swoją ojczyznę ponad wszystko, możecie poświęcić swoje życie pracując dla rządu i być gotowymi do wykonania wszelkich zadań.

Misje to cztery przygody do Shadowruna, które pozwalają mistrzowi gry i graczom poeksperymentować z alternatywnymi pomysłami na przygody, zaprezentowanymi w Shadowrun Kompan: Poza cieniami. W przygodach tych, gracze mogą się wcielić w oddział Wezwań Wysokiego Zagrożenia DocWagon, tajniaków z Samotnej Gwiazdy, agentów ochrony korporacyjnej, rządowych komandosów, a nawet w drużynę z mediów. W Misjach są także zawarte sugestie do połączenia tych przygód w kampanię i wplecenia w nie już istniejącej drużyny runnerów. Misje przeznaczone są dla mistrza gry i graczy na każdym poziomie zaawansowania. Do użytku z Shadowrunem.

Under the Influence: The PCs are Lone Star cops investigating the disappearance (and re-appearance a short way into the adventure) of one of their colleagues, and uncover a plot where a street doc is trying to make the perfect gang by implanting his patients with a device that will make them obey him, and then forget all they did while the device was active.
Malpractice: A former DocWagon employee wants the PCs (who can be either shadowrunners or regular DocWagoneers) to infiltrate DocWagon and uncover someone who's been selling confidential information about patients. They'll go through basic training as well as some real emergencies during their investigation, and get the chance to do some good if they want to.
Mission: Mars As AresSpace security employees, the PCs are to investigate whether someone knows more about the photos published in Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets than they are telling—and as a result, if there is more on Mars than there appears to be. NASA is trying to keep exactly this information secret, and actively opposes the PCs.
King of the Mountain: In this adventure, the PCs are UCAS Army Special Forces soldiers given the mission to find out what is happening in a mountain fortress, located in the Trans-Polar Aleut Nation, and occupied by a magical/religious cult led by a crazed, former colonel.

Thoughts: The fact that these adventures are intended for non-shadowrunners is the biggest weakness of the book—you'll either need to play them as one-off adventures with characters made especially for these adventures, or run them as part of an ongoing campaign in-between adventures you made up yourself. The former is okay if your players don't mind the lack of continuity, while the latter means you'll only use a quarter of the book for a campaign, which isn't really value for money I feel. Sure, some of the adventures include guidelines for playing them with shadowrunner PCs anyway, but this goes against the idea behind the missions somewhat.
Additional Thoughts by Mark Steedman: Malpractice and Mission: Mars both easily convert to runners doing them, in fact Malpractice rather assumes the characters are "semi-shadowrunners." The hitch is that if you actually complete Mission: Mars the Draco Foundation showers shares about, though as happened to the team that got them off me Damian Knight may take an interest in recovering them, the Draco Foundation being hard to push about, while a few shadowrunners are rather easier. Under the Influence I ran for runners by having them be the folks hired to stop the cops. Ok completely different angle but it actually worked out quite well as the team involved where on good term with the AAA-corporation involved.
Similar Products: none
Survey Rating: 5.7 (14 votes)