Shadowrun Wiki

Plastic Warriors

Plastic Warriors[]

The main Plastic Warriors web site is located at The books are not reviewed here because the editor is the person who also puts this site together, and thus reviews might be considered to be biased :)

However, if anyone else is willing to do short reviews of these books in the same style as the other book reviews on this site, please email them to

(An explanation of the items in each book review can be found here.)

0001: Running Gear[]

Release: late 1994
Authors: Gurth, the members of S.W.O., the Cyberpunk 2020 designers, Seth Narins, Wordman, Brijesh Gill, Storm Widow
Pages: 96
File Size: 2.67 MB (Word 6.0), 6.21 MB (RTF), 2.32 MB (PDF)
Sections: Update, New Stuff, SWO Guns, CP2020, Explosives, Drugs, RadTech
Similar Products: Blackhand's Street Weapons 2057, Chromebook Conversions, Fields of Fire, Harlekynz' Toys, Information Overload, Ka•Ge, NERPS: ShadowLore, Neo-Anarchist Guides to Everything Else, Paranoid Animals of North America, Project 3, Shadowland, Street Samurai Catalog, Tech Specs

0002: Tech Specs[]

Release: 29 January 1995
Authors: Gurth, the CP2020 designers, the Shadowrun designers
Pages: 84
File Size: 1.54 MB (Word 6.0), 3.30 MB (RTF)
Sections: Intro, Cyberpunk 2020, Equipment, Spells, Legalities, In Reverse, Rules, Archetypes, Contacts
Similar Products: Blackhand's Street Weapons 2057, Chromebook Conversions, Cybertechnology, Fields of Fire, Harlekynz' Toys, Information Overload, Ka•Ge, NERPS: ShadowLore, Neo-Anarchist Guides to Everything Else, Paranoid Animals of North America, Project 3, Running Gear, Shadowland, Street Samurai Catalog

0003: Project 3[]

Release: 30 April 1995
Authors: Carl Rigney, Gurth, the FASA folks, A.R. Gay, Bob Ooton, AGE, Brian Angliss, Nightfox, Marc A. Renouf, James L. Finney, Jani Fikouras, Scott (Reaver), Aaron Wigley, Malcalypse the Younger, Sandman
Pages: 92
File Size: 2.57 MB (Word 6.0), 4.85 MB (RTF)
Sections: Intro Blurb, Shadowgear Catalog 2051, Vehicles, Picture File, Thaumaturgy, C4 Explosive Notes, Sporting Goods, Japanese Critters, Gear & Equipment, Uncle Albert's 2036 Catalog, Optional Rules, Errata Sheets, Archetypes & Contacts, Character Sheet Expansion
Similar Products: Blackhand's Street Weapons 2057, Chromebook Conversions, Fields of Fire, Harlekynz' Toys, Information Overload, Ka•Ge, NERPS: ShadowLore, Neo-Anarchist Guides to Everything Else, Paranoid Animals of North America, Running Gear, Shadowland, Street Samurai Catalog, Tech Specs

0004: Chromebook Conversions[]

Release: 3 July 1995
Author: Gurth
Pages: 119
File Size: 966 kB (Word 6.0), 1.84 MB (RTF)
Sections: General Notes, Chromebook 1, Chromebook 2, Chromebook 3, Archetypes, Conversion Notes, Equipment Tables
Similar Products: Blackhand's Street Weapons 2057, Cybertechnology, Fields of Fire, Harlekynz' Toys, Information Overload, Ka•Ge, NERPS: ShadowLore, Neo-Anarchist Guides to Everything Else, Paranoid Animals of North America, Project 3, Running Gear, Shadowland, Street Samurai Catalog, Tech Specs

0005: Paranoid Animals of North America[]

Release: 31 January 1996
Authors: Christopher A. Chambers, Doctor Doom, Stephen F. Eley, Jani "Kurz Telefonieren" Fikouras, FireFly, Donald Gaither, Gurth, JackFrost, Tom James, Laughing Boy, Timothy Little, Steve Menard, Morninman, Mr. Brett, Sascha Pabst, Joey Payne, Phil (Renegade), Marc A. Renouf, André Selmer, Tim Skirvin, Martin Steffens, Robert Watkins, Aaron Wigleys
Pages: 93
File Size: 6.35 MB (Word 6.0), 12.9 MB (RTF)
Sections: Intro Blurb, Shadowrun: Generations, Vehicles, Renegade's Gun Mods & Cyber, Bioware, Matrix, Spells, Adepts & Magicians, Matrix Rules 3.0, Totems, Magical Threats, Odds & Ends, Archetypes & Contacts
Similar Products: Blackhand's Street Weapons 2057, Chromebook Conversions, Cybertechnology, Fields of Fire, Harlekynz' Toys, Information Overload, Ka•Ge, NERPS: ShadowLore, Neo-Anarchist Guides to Everything Else, Project 3, Running Gear, Shadowland, Street Samurai Catalog, Tech Specs

0006: Blackhand's Street Weapons 2057[]

Release: 10 December 1997
Author: Gurth
Pages: 49
File Size: 1.67 MB (RTF)
Sections: The Editor Says..., Some Notes, Melee Weapons, Archery Bows, Crossbows, Exotic Weapons, Pistols, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Other Rifles, Machine Guns, Heavy Weapons, 'Borg Weapons, Hand Grenades, Launched Grenades, Mines & Explosives, Ammunition, Appendix: DMZ Stats
Similar Products: Chromebook Conversions, Fields of Fire, Harlekynz' Toys, Information Overload, Ka•Ge, NERPS: ShadowLore, Neo-Anarchist Guides to Everything Else, Paranoid Animals of North America, Project 3, Running Gear, Shadowland, Street Samurai Catalog, Tech Specs

0007: The Player's Guide to Shadowrun House Rules[]

Release: 17 March 1998
Author: Blackjack, David Buehrer, Stephen F. Eley, "Double-Domed" Mike Elkins, Fade, Martin Gotthard, Gurth, Jonathan Hurley, Leszek Karlik, Steve Kenson, Lady Jestyr, Loki, David R. Lowe, Ray Macey, Chris Maxfield, Andrew Mellinger, Susan Mellinger, Damion Milliken, Nurse Wratchett, Ferri G. Pagano, Justin Pinnow, Marc A. Renouf, André Selmer, The Twilight Brigade, WoLfMÅÑ, Wordman
Pages: 92
File Size: 2.05 MB (RTF)
Sections: Introduction, General Rules, Bioware, Characters, Cyberware, Karma, Magic, Matrix, Melee Combat, Ranged Combat, Skills, Vehicles, Index
Similar Products: Shadowrun Companion: Beyond The Shadows, Shadowrun Companion