Shiawase | ||||||||||||
Shiawase Corporation[]
Shiawase - nuke! Elektrownie atomowe. Szefostwo - rodzinna opera mydlana. Rodzinka Shiawase. Pranie mózgu pracowników doprowadzone do perfekcji (hymn korporacji, konkurencja nas nienawidzi, wypłatę dostaniesz w bonach, któe zrealizujesz tylko w sklepach Shiawase...). Inne korpy też to stosują, ale Shiawase dzierży palmę pierwszeństwa.
Centrala: Osaka
Centrala: Osaka, Japonia
Prezes / CEO: Tadashi Shiawase
Przewodniczący rady nadzorczej Sadato Shiawase
Status korporacji korporacja publiczna
- Sadato Shiawase 13% (około)
- Tadashi Shiawase 11% (około)
- Soko Shiawase 10% (około)
- Ryoi Shiawase 10% (około)
Technologie kosmiczne 6
Rolnictwo 6
Biotechnology (Biotechnologia: badania i inżynieria genetyczna) 8
Przemysł chemiczny 7
Inżynieria komputerowa 5
Informatyka 5
Dobra konsumpcyjne 5
Cybernetyka 3
Rozrywka 2
Finanse 5
Przemysł ciężki 9
Dobra i usługi mistyczne 4
Technologie wojskowe 6
Usługi 8
Operacje fiskalne 9
Operacje wywiadowcze 6
Zarządzanie 8
Reputacja 8
Ochrona (ogólnie) 6
Ochrona magiczna 6
Ochrona - matryca 6
Ochrona fizyczna 7
Całkowity rozmiar jednostek [nie zgłoszono żadnych]
Trening i jakość bd.
Branże w których się specjalizuje[]
Arguably the most diversified of all the triple-A megacorporations, the only unifying factor in Shiawase's operations is high technology. Shiawase operations range from power generation at Shiawase Atomics to biotech at Shiawase Biotech (natch) to environmental engineering at Shiawase Envirotech.
Struktura korporacji[]
Members of the Shiawase family own most of Shiawase Corporation, with other siginificant blocks held by various investment banks. None of these other blocks represents more than 5 percent of the company's outstanding shares, and many owe loyalty to the family.
Główne oddziały[]
Shiawase breaks down into primary Oddziały by function rather than by region. The key Oddziały that have the strongest presence in Seattle are Shiawase Atomics, Shiawase Biotech, and Shiawase Envirotech. (These Seattle corps presumably matter most to you slags out there reading this board.) Though all have a presence in Seattle, Shiawase Envirotech has the most impact on the Seattle region because that corp handles a big chunk of waste processing for metroplex industry.
In additon to its Główne oddziały, Shiawase also owns subsidiaries that operate in a wide range of industries.
KIEROWNICTWO (Executives & Big Wigs)[]
Christopher Keratsu
Managing Director, Shiawase Atomics
Estu Powicke
Managing Director, Shiawase Biotech
Mariko Kiyonobbu
Managing Director, Shiawase Envirotech
Ważne Oddziały[]
Shiawase Armaments
Shiawase Atomics (Washington FDC)
Shiawase Biotech
Shiawase Corporation
Shiawase Envirotech
Shiawase Health and Welfare
Firmy, które kontroluje[]
- Arboritech
- Calablack Investments
- Desert Storm Security (Ochrona)
- Fuchi Simsense Studios
- Hephaestus Technologies
- Imperial Tech Services (Japonia)
- Mile High Economic Studies (Finance/Denver, UCAS)
- North American Economic Group
- Ressha Corporation
- UCAStrak, Inc. (UCAS Railway provider)
- Vector Matrix Services
- President/CEO: Tadashi Shiawase
- Centrala: Osaka, Japonia
- Oddział w Seattle: Shiawase Towers, 6th Avenue South and J Street, Tacoma
- Szef oddziału: Shigeru Aoyama
Shiawase Corporation z centralą w Osaka, Japan, jest trzecią największą korporacją na świecie i największą z japońskich korporacji. Jest uważana za pierwszą Megakorporację, dzięki Shiawase decision z roku 2000. Została założona i jest kontrolowana przez Rodzinę Shiawase. Trzy główne oddziały to Shiawase Biotech, Shiawase Envirotech i Shiawase Atomics.
Twin towers of steel and mirrored glass, built not long after the Night of Rage, hold the offices of Shiawase’s Seattle branch and oversee the corporation’s various operations and subsidiaries in the Pacific Northwest. Shiawase has extensive interests in Seattle, from its fusion plant near glow city in Redmond to its public-works contract with the metroplex government to its expanding biotechnologies division.
The corporation’s many divisions don’t always work together smoothly; infighting over funding and attention from the head office in Japan is almost constant. Without a doubt, some of this conflict leads to shadowruns conducted by one part of the company against another.
Security in the towers and other Shiawase facilities has tightened up recently, as Shiawase’s been acquiring former Fuchi assets. The corp is moving into the cyberware market with a will, and all projects going on in Seattle are considered top secret.
The towers use laser detection grids and motion sensors for the most part. There are indications that Shiawase is taking a cue from Mitsuhama and installing more automated defensive systems, though the corp’s security measures seem to be much less lethal than the ones MCT favors. Shiawase is going with net-guns and knockout gas, the better to preserve prisoners for interrogation.
>>>>>[Shiawase also relies heavily on the corp’s network of intelligence agents, watchers and industrial spies. When a shadowrun against them is going down, more often than not the corp knows about it and corporate security is waiting for you when you walk in. A word of advice: if you’ve got a run against Shiawase, don’t talk to anyone unless you have to and move quickly, or you’re going to walk into a trap.]<<<<<
>>>>>[Shiawase is trying to pull together as much old Fuchi material, personnel and data as they can, fighting with Novatech and Renraku over the scraps left from the Fuchi breakup. For the time being, all three corps have claims on some of Fuchi‘s subsidiaries and assets, claims which haven’t yet been settled by the Corporate Court.
Naturally, all parties are doing their best to make their claims the most valid.]<<<<<
-Lex Talionis
>>>>>[Shiawase Atomics would love to get a piece of the Seattle power market away from Gaeatronics. The corp chafes under the restrictions imposed by the metroplex government on the building and regulation of power plants in the metroplex area, and is blocked at every turn by endless red tape when it comes to building in NAN territory.
Gaeatronics, of course, skates right by. Guess it pays to have your brother as chief of the tribe.]<<<<<
>>>>>[Shiawase’s ice technology is the drek Fuchi was using last year, which means it’s fast and bad, but showing its age. The corp is busy updating and patching holes in the systems, but for every one they fix, a good decker can find another. Won’t be long before the corp’s systems are running cutting-edge ice of their own, however, so watch out. Like their physical security, Shiawase doesn’t go in for
killer stuff, so most of the ice is trace and maybe some deck-burning drek.]<<<<<
-The Dead Deckers Society
“In Kibo We Trust”
Korporacyjna hierarchia Shiawase[]
W przeciwieństwie do innych korporacji, struktura kierownicza Shiawase zarządza sektorami rynku, a rzadziej regionem.
- Shiawase Agrotech (rolnictwo)
- Shiawase Armaments (uzbrojenie)
- Shiawase Atomics
- Shiawase Biotech (biotechnologie)
- Shiawase California (na papierze, ten oddział jest kierowany przez Shiawase Biotech i Shiawase Agrotech)
- Shiawase Envirotech (środowisko)
- Shiawase Health and Welfare
- Shiawase Marketing Information and Forecasting Department (MIFD)
Spółki zależne[]
- Kuroyama Minerals (oceaniczna platforma wydobywcza)
- Corporate Shadowfiles
- Corporate Download, s.92-101
- Blood in the Boardroom, s.27-29
- California Free State, s.134
- Cyberpirates', s.177
- Man and Machine: Cyberware, s.12, 62, 87
- New Seattle, s.95-96
- Seattle Sourcebook, s.152
- Shadows of Europe, s.24
- Target: Smuggler Havens, s.58-59
- Target: Wastelands, s.12, 71, 92-93, 99-100
- System Failure, s.99-100
Linki zewnętrzne[]
Megakorporacje AAA |
Ares Macrotechnology | Aztechnology | Cross Applied Technologies | Evo | Fuchi Industrial Electronics | Horizon | Mitsuhama Computer Technologies | NeoNET | Novatech | Renraku Computer Systems | Saeder-Krupp | Shiawase Corporation | Wuxing, Inc. | Yamatetsu |