Shadowrun Wiki
Shadowrun Wiki

Shadowrun Reference Standard[]

Version 1.4
Last updated: 9 May 2005

Ze strony:


The Shadowrun Reference Standard (SRS) defines a system for referencing Shadowrun products. The idea is to provide a method for web authors and internet posters to cite references to Shadowrun books in web sites, net.books, posts and even databases and other software in a way that is:

  • Unobtrusive. References should be as short as possible so they do not distract from the main text and take as little screen space as possible.
  • Unified. Everyone using the system should use the same system, eliminating confusion.
  • Flexible. References should be able to specify a page in a book, but also have the ability to site exact paragraphs and page ranges.

While this sounds a bit anal, the SRS was born from a need to fit page references into tables with very narrow columns. It suits this purpose very well, compressing a lot of information into a small space.

It should be mentioned that this system is not endorsed by FASA in any way.


Each Shadowrun product is given a two- to four-letter code. This code is used to indicate the book being referenced. This code is followed by a ".", then by a page number or a page range. If a single page is specified, it can also be followed with a comma and a column number. This can optionally be followed by another column and a paragraph number. The resulting syntax is as follows:

<code>.<page>[-<end page> | ,<column>[,paragraph] ]

This is easier to understand by looking at a view examples:

azt.125 Aztlan Sourcebook, page 125.
azt.125-127 Aztlan Sourcebook, pages 125 through 127.
azt.125,2 Aztlan Sourcebook, page 125, column 2.
azt.125,2,3 Aztlan Sourcebook, page 125, column 2, paragraph 3.

Note that when a paragraph is specified, only full paragraphs are counted. If a column begins in the middle of a paragraph, the first paragraph is considered to be the paragraph following. Page and column references for paragraphs should always be given where the paragraph starts. Headings are not counted as paragraphs.


Here are the codes for all Shadowrun products:

Sorted by title

aztAztlan Sourcebook
bibBlood in the Boardroom
bd Bottled Demon
bugBug City
cfsCalifornia Free State Sourcebook
cdcCeltic Double-cross
ccThe Cannon Companion
caCorporate Adventure
cdCorporate Download
cs Corporate Security Handbook
csfCorporate Shadowfiles
cp Cyberpirates
ct Cybertechnology
anglDark Angel
denDenver: The City of Shadows
dengDenver: Gamemaster's Book
divDivided Assets
2exDouble Exposure
dmzDowntown Militarized Zone
dh Dragon Hunt
dswDragons of the Sixth World
dc Dreamchipper
ef Elven Fire
ew Eye Witness
fofFields of Fire
frFirst Run
gerGermany Sourcebook
gm1Grimore First Edition
gm2Grimore II
hb Harlequin's Back
ivyIvy and Chrome
kilA Killing Glare
kg x[[Ka-Ge magazine, issue x]]
lonLondon Sourcebook
ls Lone Star Sourcebook
la Loose Alliances
mitsMagic In the Shadows
mmMan & Machine: Cyberware
mobMob War!
lbbMr. Johnson's Little Black Book
nan1Native American Nations Volume I
nan2Native American Nations Volume II
ngnaNeoanarchist's Guide to North America
ngrlNeoanarchist's Guide to Real Life
nsNew Seattle
oneOne Stage Before
hwiParadise Lost: Hawaii Sourcebook
paeParanatural Animals of Europe
pnaParanatural Animals of North America
poadPortfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets
prdPreditor & Prey
pr Prime Runners
qe Queen Euphoria
rasRenraku Arcology: Shutdown
rbbRigger Black Book
r2Rigger 2
r3Rigger 3
seaSeattle Sourcebook
sb Shadowbeat
sl x[[Shadowland magazine, issue x]]
srcShadowrun Companion (Beyond the Shadows)
src3Shadowrun Companion: Beyond the Shadows (3rd ed.)
quikShadowrun Quick Start
sr1Shadowrun First Edition
sr2Shadowrun Second Edition
sr3Shadowrun Third Edition
sr4Shadowrun Fourth Edition
saShadows of Asia
seShadows of Europe
slaShadows of Latin America
snaShadows of North America
su Shadows of the Underworld
st Shadowtech
mapSprawl Maps
ss Sprawl Sites
ssgSprawl Survival Guide
sa63State of the Art: 2063
sa64State of the Art: 2064
sscStreet Samurai Catalog
tueSuper Tuesday
surSurvival of the Fittest
sfSystem Failure
talTarget: Awakened Lands
tmTarget: Matrix
tshTarget: Smuggler Havens
ucasTarget: UCAS
twTarget: Wastelands
thr2Threats 2
tt Tir Tairngire
te Total Eclipse
tnnTír na nÓg
undUnderworld Sourcebook
ub Universal Brotherhood
vr Virtual Realities
vr2Virtual Realities 2.0
wotcWake of the Comet
yotcYear of the Comet

Sorted by abbreviation

2exDouble Exposure
anglDark Angel
aztAztlan Sourcebook
bd Bottled Demon
bibBlood in the Boardroom
bugBug City
caCorporate Adventure
ccThe Cannon Companion
cdCorporate Download
cdcCeltic Double-cross
cfsCalifornia Free State Sourcebook
cp Cyberpirates
cs Corporate Security Handbook
csfCorporate Shadowfiles
ct Cybertechnology
dc Dreamchipper
denDenver: The City of Shadows
dengDenver: Gamemaster's Book
dh Dragon Hunt
divDivided Assets
dmzDowntown Militarized Zone
dswDragons of the Sixth World
ef Elven Fire
ew Eye Witness
fofFields of Fire
frFirst Run
gerGermany Sourcebook
gm1Grimore First Edition
gm2Grimore II
hb Harlequin's Back
hwiParadise Lost: Hawaii Sourcebook
ivyIvy and Chrome
kgxKa-Ge magazine, issue x
kilA Killing Glare
la Loose Alliances
lbbMr. Johnson's Little Black Book
lonLondon Sourcebook
ls Lone Star Sourcebook
mapSprawl Maps
mitsMagic In the Shadows
mmMan & Machine: Cyberware
mobMob War!
nan1Native American Nations Volume I
nan2Native American Nations Volume II
ngnaNeoanarchist's Guide to North America
ngrlNeoanarchist's Guide to Real Life
nsNew Seattle
oneOne Stage Before
paeParanatural Animals of Europe
pnaParanatural Animals of North America
poadPortfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets
pr Prime Runners
prdPreditor & Prey
qe Queen Euphoria
quikShadowrun Quick Start
r2Rigger 2
r3Rigger 3
rasRenraku Arcology: Shutdown
rbbRigger Black Book
saShadows of Asia
sa63State of the Art: 2063
sa64State of the Art: 2064
sb Shadowbeat
seShadows of Europe
seaSeattle Sourcebook
sfSystem Failure
sl xShadowland magazine, issue x
slaShadows of Latin America
snaShadows of North America
sr1Shadowrun First Edition
sr2Shadowrun Second Edition
sr3Shadowrun Third Edition
sr4Shadowrun Fourth Edition
srcShadowrun Companion (Beyond the Shadows)
src3Shadowrun Companion: Beyond the Shadows (3rd ed.)
ss Sprawl Sites
sscStreet Samurai Catalog
ssgSprawl Survival Guide
st Shadowtech
su Shadows of the Underworld
surSurvival of the Fittest
talTarget: Awakened Lands
te Total Eclipse
thr2Threats 2
tmTarget: Matrix
tnnTír na nÓg
tshTarget: Smuggler Havens
tt Tir Tairngire
tueSuper Tuesday
twTarget: Wastelands
ub Universal Brotherhood
ucasTarget: UCAS
undUnderworld Sourcebook
vr Virtual Realities
vr2Virtual Realities 2.0
wotcWake of the Comet
yotcYear of the Comet