Shadowrun Wiki
Shadowrun Wiki

The Spanish Bank is an AA corporation based out of Madrid. Though its history goes way back as the central spanish bank from before the XXI century, its actual form is a product of the strong merges that happened after the Crash, when the spanish banks realized that they had to join in order to remain competitive.

Now days, the Spanish Bank is the central entity of spanish economy, and many international investors have joined in too. Even so, its internal politics are messy at best, due to the fact that the old CEO's of the different banks that merged now sit all together, and not all of them are happy working with each other. Besides, the coliding interests of too many of its investors (specially Sol Media and Meridional Agronomics, but not only them) push the bank with strenth into different roads, not many of which it likes to go.

It must be noted, though, that a large part of the bank is owned by the Vatican Bank.
