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Seria 7200 - Opis Świata: Seattle Sourcebook | Native American Nations Volume One | London Sourcebook | Germany Sourcebook | Universal Brotherhood | Neo-Anarchists Guide to North America | Native American Nations Volume Two | The Neo-Anarchists Guide to Real Life | Dodatek California Free State | Tir Tairngire | Dodatek Tír na nÓg | Denver: The City of Shadows | Aztlan | Target: UCAS | Target: Smugglers Havens | New Seattle | Target: Matrix
Seria 7300 - Przygody: DNA/DOA | Mercurial | Dreamchipper | Queen Euphoria | Bottled Demon | Harlequin | Dragon Hunt | Total Eclipse | Imago | Elven Fire | Ivy & Chrome | One Stage Before | Dark Angel | A Killing Glare | Celtic Double Cross | Eye Witness | Paradise Lost | Divided Assets | Double Exposure | Harlequins Back | Running Short | Super Tuesday! | Shadows of the Underworld | Predator and Prey | Misje | Mob War | Blood in the Boardroom | Renraku Arcology: Shutdown | First Run | Corporate Punishment | Brainscan
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Seria 10600: The Year of the Comet | Target: Awakened Lands | Threats 2 | Target: Wastelands | Wake of the Comet | Shadows of North America | Shadowrun Companion | New Seattle | Magic in the Shadows | Cannon Companion | Shadowrun Third Edition | Rigger 3 Revised | Man and Machine | State of the Art 2063 | Survival of the Fittest | Dragons of the Sixth World | Sprawl Survival Guide | The Shadowrun Character Dossier
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Seria 26000: Shadowrun Fourth Edition | Shadowrun Fourth Edition Hard Cover | SR4 GM Screen | On the Run | Shockwaves | Street Magic | Runner Havens | Arsenal | Emergence | Running Wild | Augmentations | Corp Zones
10667: Sprawl Survival Guide[]
Ilość stron: 144
ISBN 1932564004
EAN: 97819325640046
Wydawca: Rob Boyle
Autorzy: Elissa Carey, Eleanor Holmes, Adam Jury
Projekt okładki: Jim Nelson
Ze strony :
Sprawl Survival Guide Dodał: Andrzej 'ShadEnc' Stój The Sprawl Survival Guide jest podręcznikiem opisującym codzienność roku 2063, od domowych rozrywek po nocnego życia. Eksponuje plusy i minusy stylu shadowrunnerów – z kim się spotykają, w jaki sposób organizują akcje oraz co muszą robić by przetrwać. Informacje te są kluczowymi zarówno dla graczy, jak i prowadzących. Pozwalają odczuć specyfikę świata, zagłębić się w charakterystyczne dla Shadowruna elementy, odróżniające go od innych gier. Suplement przeznaczony dla trzeciej edycji systemu Shadowrun. Tytuł: Sprawl Survival Guide Linia wydawnicza: Shadowrun Autorzy: Eleanor Holmes, Adam Jury, Lance Hawvermale, Peter Taylor, Elissa Carey, Robert Boyle, Alexandre van Chestein, Jakko Westerbeke Okładka: Jim Nelson Ilustracje: Dave Allsop, Eric Desideriu, Marko Djurdjevic, Kjell Eriksson, Chris Lewis, Larry MacDougall, Klaus Scherwinski, Karl Waller Wydawca: Fantasy Productions Miejsce wydania: USA Data wydania: 2003 Liczba stron: 144 ISBN-10: 1-932564-00-4 Numer katalogowy: FPR 10667 Oprawa: miękka Wymiary: 210 x 285 mm
- interaktywne zabawki Dunkelzahn-a
- Ciuchy "flat"
Zautomatyzowane sklepy (na rogach ulic, na osiedlach, w szpitalach). To po prostu chronione pokoje wypełnione automatami do zakupów: od znanych w XX wieki automatami a Colą, po jedzenie, środkami higieny osobistej, dla noworodków, tanią elektorniką, chips (chipami? Chipsami? :D ), oprogramowaniem, najpotrzebniejszymi ubraniami, i tanimi produktami konsumenckimi pierwszej potrzeby.
Song-O-Mat(TM) to samo co
- Insta-Muse (należy do Mitsuhama)
- komputerowy kompozytor
- UCAS Online Matrix Kiosks
- Podwójne drzwi, jak w banku - wejść może osoba z dobrym credstickiem (kasa na koncie, bez nakazów aresztowania)
- Qwlk-Shack
- On The Go
Czarny rynek
W najgorszych dzielnicach. Każdy sprawl ma co najmniej jeden.
- bootleggers
- scavengers (sprzedają śmieci - patrz "na Kole")
- złodziejaszki
indie - independent - niezależne
- Hity o 20:00
- Tales of Atlantis. ABS
- Wojna pomiędzy barbarzyńcami ze Wschodnich Wyżyn, a plemieniem orków z Zachodnich Wzgórz. Pomiędzy nimi utknęli emisariusze z Atlantydy. Czy doprowadzą do pokoju?
- Sure Shot (TM)
- wariacja smartlinka, która umożliwia lepsze złożenie się do rzutu (koszykówka).
KOMENTARZ: świetnie nadaje się do granatów. Brak rozrzutu.
- kamery. Na światłach i przed wejściem do budynków - to standard
- Drony - w bogatszych dzielnicach na dachach posesji. Ktoś włacza panicbutton i minutę później dron jest już na miejscu.
- Grid Guide rejestruje, gdzie był twój samochód, kiedy popełniano przestępstwo
- Kasyna, np. Vegas
- Polowania - na crittersy w Quebec
- SSG s 69
- Shiawase Armaments
- niewykrywalna broń. ROzkładana na części. Części wyglądają jak niewinne przedmioty - szminka, nożyczki, itp.
- FATIMA, runnerka (wchodzi w astral; mag) chodzi do Matchstick's. Lubi Penumbrę. METAHUMAN (przeżyła Night of Rage). Była w gangu.
- TWIST - Sam Werner z Trylogii Niemocy
Rozmawia z Zoe w SSG
The Shadowrun: Sprawl Survival Guide from Wiz Kids / FanPro is a background and rules resource book for Shadowrun, Third Edition. Primarily, the book provides extensive insight into the way things are, and how to get things done in the 2063, semiapocalyptic Shadowrun environment. Also included are expanded rules for lifestyles, fake identities, and travel. The 144 page softcover volume features a full color glossy cover with black and white interior art. It retails for $24.99 USD.
The Sprawl Survival Guide is divided into four main sections, covering life, travel, and running the shadows in 2063, plus a section of optional rules. Each of the first three sections are archive records transmitted to the reader by Captain Chaos, the sysop of the Shadowland data haven. These records are presented narrative style, with comments interjected by various shadow denizens, highlighting specifics and interpretations. The style is very similar to something you might read in an online newsgroup thread. The comments and the names of the commentators made for some fun “in” jokes throughout the book. This first section of the book is an article lifted from Livewire Magazine, detailing life in 2063. Housing, including household technology and home security are discussed in great detail. Entertainment, encompassing nightlife, music, shopping, trideo, simsense, and modern sports and the way the Awakening and science have affected them are covered as well. Finally, the government and politics of 2063 are exposed. Racism, law enforcement, financial interactions, fashion, religion, and education are among the topics of this part. I found it an enormously entertaining read, but I’m a junky for the Shadowrun genre. How do you get yourself, and your stuff moved around the world of 2063. This section covers travel from the perspective of a travel agent who moonlights as an “undisclosed commodities relocator”. The agent lays out the basics of globetrotting and smuggling for an audience of new runners. Also included here is an overview of the socio-political-economic climate of cities around the continents of the world. I found the information to be interesting, but the city information was not nearly deep enough to host a character or campaign. A tale of a young undercover NewsNet stringer journeying from the light to the world of shadows forms the basis of the Life on the Run section. The information here shows the mistakes of a person new to the underworld and a gradual progression into a full-blown shadowrunner. This section would be incredibly useful for someone learning the ropes in Shadowrun. The Game Information section presents rules for home telecoms and dataterms, (as discussed in Living in the Sixties), new drones, pricing for living expenses, and expanded credstick rules. A useful guide for making, using, and erasing identities is also included. Finally, an optional extended ruleset for highly customizable character lifestyles concludes the book.
Aside from the cover paintings, the art in the book is all black and white illustrations. The great majority of the work is high quality, and adds to the “feel” of the book. I do wish a few more illustrations were included, but the book’s art is definitely not a weak point. There was one area of the book that disappointed me considerably. On the first read through the book, while being fairly careful how I held it, (not creasing the spine, etc), eight pages or so in the 30s popped loose from the binding. Perhaps if I had not read it in a hot car in the middle of a scorching Texas summer the pages would have stayed bound, but there is no way to tell now. In spite of the problems with the loose pages, I can still recommend The Sprawl Survival Guide to anyone who plays Shadowrun or runs Shadowrun games. In fact, I’d recommend it if you ever even had a slight curiosity about the Shadowrun world. The style and rich detail presented make the book a great resource for players and GMs alike. If Wiz Kids / FanPro ever decides to start up the Shadowrun novels again, this book should be required reading for the new authors.