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WizKids: Born to run | Poison Agendas | Fallen Angels | Drops of Corruption | Aftershock | A Fistful of Data

Seria 7000: Shadowrun Third Edition | 7001 | Shadowrun Gamemaster Screen | Shadowrun Quick Start Rules
Seria 7100 - Dodatki: Shadowrun: Where Man Meets Magic And Machine | 7101 | SR1 GM Screen | Sprawl Sites | Katalog Ulicznego Samuraja | Paranormal Animals of North America | The Grimoire — The Manual of Practical Thaumaturgy, 14th Edition, 2050 | Virtual Realities | Rigger Black Book | Shadowbeat | Shadowtech | Paranormal Animals of Europe | Corporate Shadowfiles | Fields of Fire | Lone Star | Prime Runners | Bug City | Corporate Security Handbook | Cybertechnology Awakenings | Threats | Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahns Secrets | Underworld Sourcebook | Cyberpirates! | Corporate Download | Man and Machine | The Year of the Comet | Threats 2

Seria 7200 - Opis Świata: Seattle Sourcebook | Native American Nations Volume One | London Sourcebook | Germany Sourcebook | Universal Brotherhood | Neo-Anarchists Guide to North America | Native American Nations Volume Two | The Neo-Anarchists Guide to Real Life | Dodatek California Free State | Tir Tairngire | Dodatek Tír na nÓg | Denver: The City of Shadows | Aztlan | Target: UCAS | Target: Smugglers Havens | New Seattle | Target: Matrix
Seria 7300 - Przygody: DNA/DOA | Mercurial | Dreamchipper | Queen Euphoria | Bottled Demon | Harlequin | Dragon Hunt | Total Eclipse | Imago | Elven Fire | Ivy & Chrome | One Stage Before | Dark Angel | A Killing Glare | Celtic Double Cross | Eye Witness | Paradise Lost | Divided Assets | Double Exposure | Harlequins Back | Running Short | Super Tuesday! | Shadows of the Underworld | Predator and Prey | Misje | Mob War | Blood in the Boardroom | Renraku Arcology: Shutdown | First Run | Corporate Punishment | Brainscan
Seria 7400: Sprawl Maps
Seria 7600: Into The Shadows
Seria 7700: High Tech and Low Life - The Art of Shadowrun
Seria 7900: Shadowrun Druga Edycja | SR2 GM Screen | The Grimoire - The Manual of Practical Thaumaturgy 15th Edition, 2053 | Virtual Realities 2.0 | Shadowrun Kompan: Poza Cieniami | Shadowrun Companion: Third Edition | Rigger 2 | Magic in the Shadows | Cannon Companion | Dodatek Matrix
Seria 10600: The Year of the Comet | Target: Awakened Lands | Threats 2 | Target: Wastelands | Wake of the Comet | Shadows of North America | Shadowrun Companion | New Seattle | Magic in the Shadows | Cannon Companion | Shadowrun Third Edition | Rigger 3 Revised | Man and Machine | State of the Art 2063 | Survival of the Fittest | Dragons of the Sixth World | Sprawl Survival Guide | The Shadowrun Character Dossier
Seria 25000: Shadows of Europe | Mr. Johnson’s Little Black Book | State of the Art: 2064 | Loose Alliance | Shadows of Asia | Shadowrun GM Screen and Critters Sourcebook | Shadows of Latin America | System Failure | Running Wild
Seria 26000: Shadowrun Fourth Edition | Shadowrun Fourth Edition Hard Cover | SR4 GM Screen | On the Run | Shockwaves | Street Magic | Runner Havens | Arsenal | Emergence | Running Wild | Augmentations | Corp Zones

Grimoire jest księgą sił magicznych dla świata Shadowrun. Wewnątrz, mistrz gry i gracze znajdą opis magicznego świata oraz sposoby odgrywania magów. Zawiera ona w sobie reguły dotyczące czarów, odnajdywania i tworzenia grup magicznych, inicjacji na wyższe poziomy magii, czarostwa, alchemii, wolnych i sprzymierzonych duchów, badania metaświatów i potężnych magicznych zagrożeń.

Grimoire, Druga Edycja oprócz poprawionych rozdziałów zawiera nowy rozdział adepta, nowe moce adeptów sztuk walki, nowe metamagiczne umiejętności, rozszerzoną list czarów i jeszcze więcej straszliwych insektów.

The Grimoire: The Manual Of Practical Thaumaturgy, 15th Edition, 2053[]

Just reading this book is informative and entertaining. The examples for newly introduced rules are simple and fun. There's a smattering of possible plot twists for your campaigns and maybe for the Shadowrun universe. There's plenty of good info on tricky things your magician character can try to pull, and just as many that the GM can work over the PC's with. It's a solid compilation of rules, powers, definitions, but it's focus is not quite right. There's a good amount of attention given to druids. IMO no one is gonna play a druid char unless they have a londor or Tir Na-whatever sourcebook. Physical Adepts were a new addition in the 2nd ed sourcebook, but hardly any extra attention was given to them. We relied on Gurth's compilation of PA powers a lot more than the puny Grimoire info. The Grimoire answered a million questions that I had after I first read the magic section of the Big Black Book. Metamagic is awesome, but like mentioned in the Companion, initation powers are toned down. The info on spell design, enchanting, what to do with karma points, and talismongering is priceless. You can't be a commanding and competing magician without access to the info in the Grimoire. The illustrations are nice, it's good to see so many different styles, but at least a quarter of the book is just weak pictures, and I don't think that there are many that are even in the better part of all Shadowrun art. The index is so spaced out and inefficient, it's like some 9th grader was using double spaced, 15 point, just to make it a 5 page history paper.

7903: The Grimoire - The Manual of Practical Thaumaturgy 15th Edition, 2053 (1992)[]

  • Autor: Paul R. Hume
  • Number: 7903 [1-55560-190-1]
  • Price: $15.00
  • Pages: 142
  • Sections: Introduction, The Ways, The Arts, The Higher Mysteries, The Beings, The Places, Magical Threats, Spells, Index
  • Overview: Magicians, buy this book. Useless to any other kinds of characters, any magician will find this one invaluable simply because of all the new things it details. Most of the information presented in The Grimoire is immediately useable in any campaign, provided your character has enough Good Karma to spend. Things like initiations, astral quests, spell design, new spirits, and rules expansions all combine to make magicians more powerful and more dangerous than ever. The druid rules from the London Sourcebook are also included and updated to second edition Shadowrun, and some magical threats are introduced, giving gamemasters some very nasty surprises to spring on unwary players.
  • Rating: 8.3
  • Notes: This is the reworked version of the original Grimoire (1989, I think), which is not included here

7903: The Grimoire — The Manual of Practical Thaumaturgy 15th Edition, 2053[]

  • Released: 1992
  • Autor: Paul R. Hume
  • ISBN 1-55560-190-1
  • Price: $15.00
  • Pages: 142
  • Status/Availability: out of print/common
  • Sections: Introduction, The Ways, The Arts, The Higher Mysteries, The Beings, The Places, Magical Threats, Spells, Index
  • Overview: Just about useless to all other kinds of characters, any magician will find this one invaluable simply because of all the new things it details. Most of the information presented in The Grimoire is immediately useable in any campaign, provided your character has enough Good Karma to spend. Things like initiations, astral quests, spell design, new spirits, and rules expansions all combine to make magicians more powerful and more dangerous than ever. The druid rules from the London Sourcebook are also included and updated to second edition Shadowrun, and some magical threats are introduced, giving gamemasters some very nasty surprises to spring on unwary players.
  • Similar Products: Awakenings — New Magic in 2057, Magic In The Shadows, Tech Specs, The Grimoire — The Manual of Practical Thaumaturgy, 14th Edition, 2050
  • Survey Rating: 7.9 (32 votes)
  • Notes: This is the reworked version of the original Grimoire (from 1990).
