Chodziło ci o Dodatek Tir Tairngire?
Tir Tairngire (rok 2062) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Emergency medical coverage by governmental Medical Services Plan
Sperethiel (55%)
Tir Tairngire - Meaning "the Land of Promise: in the elven tongue of Sperethiel, Tir Tairngire takes up most of the former state of Oregon, along with portions of Washington and California. Though much of Tir Tairngire's population was native to the Pacific Northwest, large numbers of elves and smaller numbers of other metahumans migrated to the new "promised land" when the Tir offered a safe haven to metahumans of any nation. The tremendous influx of metahumans strengthened claims that Tir Tairngire was a land of magic. Portland is the capital of the Tir.
- Portland (unofficial)
Obecnośc korporacji:
Ares Macrotechnology (tt.83)
Kokura Biotechnology Inc. (tt.81)
Mitsuhama Computer Technologies (błąd w druku "Matshushima") (tt.82)
Telestrian Industries Corporation (Centrala: Portland) (tt.78, poad.67)
Andalusian Light Industries (cd.9)
Główne źródło: Tir Tairngire.
New Seattle, s 12-13.
Shadowrun: First Edition, s 193.
Shadowrun: Druga Edycja, s 268.
Shadowrun: Third Edition, s 321.
Portland: Tir Tairngire, s 109-123.
Salem: Tir Tairngire, s 125-131.
Eugene: Tir Tairngire, s 133-137.
Relacje z Britain: London Sourcebook, s 41.
Relacje z Germany: Germany Sourcebook, s 43.
Relacje z Seattle: New Seattle, s 81.
Relacje z Tír na nÓg: Tír na nÓg., s 54-55.
Relacje z U.C.A.S.: Target: U.C.A.S., s 21-22.
Forces opposed by great dragon Hestaby in CFS (sr3.269).
The Daisy Eater smuggling run leads into the Tir (tsh.88).
Requires all corporations to be at least partly nationalized (cd.9).
Does not recgonize Business Recognition Accords, the Corporate Court's standard for the meaning of corporate extraterritoriality (cd.10).
Sells most magical exports Penticle, a subsidiary of Mitsuhama (cd.62).
Semi-Official sources[]
Powieśc Worlds Without End is partially set in Tir Tairngire.
Linki zewnętrzne[]
This page forked from Wordman's The Sixth World: A geographical index to the world of Shadowrun
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