Shadowrun Wiki
  • President/CEO: Gerald Byrne
  • Headquarters: Dallas, Texas, CAS

UniOil is one of the world’s biggest petrochemical corporations. The company’s Seattle operation focuses on research and development of new petrochemical products, along with new extraction and refinement techniques.
UniOil has oil-drilling operations throughout western North America and elsewhere in the world, especially the southern CAS and the Pacific coast.
Corporate security has generally been quite capable of handling ongoing trouble with eco-terrorists.

United Oil Industries is a Dallas, Texas, CAS-based petrochemical corporation. It is noteworthy for an incident in 2010, in which unemployed workers stormed the company headquarters in an attempt to hold United Oil accountable for the city of Dallas’ financial and crime problems, which ended in a standoff between the workers and the Texas Rangers Assault Teams. The siege forced the Texas state legislature to rewrite the laws to allow corporate security forces in the state to deal with armed intruders by any means necessary. Similar laws would soon be passed by other states in the then-United States, which would later give way to the creation of heavily armed, privatized, corporate militias such as Lone Star Security Services and Knight Errant.

Patrz także[]

United Oil Research and Development Laboratory


Oblężenie centrali UOI’s w Dallas (sr3.24)
Interesy w Arabii (tw.38)