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  • March 25: United States President Phillip Bester eliminates public funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The Public Broadcasting System breaks up shortly thereafter and private broadcasters quickly consume its resources.[1]
  • May 13: Belarus invades Poland and the Ukraine, beginning the Border Wars.[1][2]
  • August 12: a 5.8 earthquake flattens Manhattan, killing more than two hundred thousand people.[1][3]
  • The United Nations moves to a provisional headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.[4]
  • September 2: President of the Republic of Korea Dae-Jung Rhee is assassinated. General Kyung Han Yoon, Commander of the Army, takes power and accuses the Democratic People's Republic of Korea of sponsoring the assassin. Japan supports Yoon's actions and the Second Korean War begins.[1][5]
  • September 19: The East Coast Stock Exchange moves to Boston.[1]
  • Jaelle Lester establishes the Church of the Whole Earth, Inc.[6]
  • In the wake of the bribery scandal, a special election is called in Mexico. The PRI is swept from power and replaced with a FDN-PAN coalition.[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 o34954845Sixth World Almanac pg. 14
  2. o84296706Germany Sourcebook pg. 22
  3. Target: UCAS pg. 24
  4. o42265136Loose Alliances pg. 58
  5. o70096438Shadows of Asia pg. 184
  6. Shadows of the Underworld pg. 10
  7. o53561113Aztlan pg. 36