Shadowrun Wiki

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  • The Monads announce themselves to the Corporate Court and outline plans for Project Exodus, scheduled for completion in 2080.
  • UCAS Congressman Thomas Lincoln is assassinated as part of the Black Lodge's internal cleanup.[1]
  • February - November (unspecified date): Samantha Villiers dies of (allegedly) natural causes while running NeoNET's Seattle office. Rumors in the shadows claim it may have been a hit.
  • February 7: The Corporate Court announces the Megacorporate Revision, scheduled to take place over the next few years with the intention to (re)assess the status of all AA and A corporations. The Revision triggers a lot of unrest (and runs) as the scrutinized corporations become targets for AAA takeover as well as attempt to keep their respective statuses by merging with / striking against competitors.
  • March 15: The Megacorporate Revision begins. The Corporate Court starts auditing a number of AA and A corporations to confirm or change their statuses.[2]
  • May: - With an audit of its military equipment finished, the Moroccan government initiated a massive upgrade program for the RMAF, led by Army General Salamah Berrada, the program is expected to last until 2082[3]
  • July - August: Seattle's ACHE overheats over the summer, causing 634 deaths. Unbeknownst to all but a few, the cause was not a design flaw in the building, but rather a drastic maintenance budget cut authorized by Downtown Mayor Nikola Taul, who will try to keep the scandal under lid so as to run for Governor the year after.[4]
  • December 16: Anatoly Kirilenko is assassinated.[5]


  1. ?Dark Terrors p. 52
  2. o15132221Bloody Business ?
  3. ?Shadows in Focus: Morocco p.19
  4. o49943949Cutting Aces p. 25-26
  5. o11008252Market Panic 74