Asian Countries:
Asia Politics[]
- Canton Confederation
- Henan
- Manchuria
- Sichuan
- Shaanxi
- Beijing
- Hainan
- Hong Kong Free Enterprise Zone
- Ningxia
- Taiwan
- Yunnan
- Gansu
- Coastal Provinces
- Guangxi
- Shandong
- Republic of China
- Republic of Korea
- Bangla Commonwealth
- Indian Union
- Khalistan
- Nepal
- Pakistan
- Sri Lanka
- Tibet
- Japanese Imperial State
- Korea
- Mongolia
- Russia
- Trans-polar Aleut Nation
- Burma
- Cambodia
- Kashin State
- Kurdish Autonomous Zone
- Laos
- Federal Republic of Iraq
- Islamic Republic of Iran
- Pattani Islamic Republic
- Shan State
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Yunnan
- Malaysia
- Sri Lanka
- Singapore, Inc.
- Enlightened Kingdom of Bali and Lombok
- Javanese Republic
- Sumatran Alliance
- Dayak Council of Borneo and Sulawesi
- Arabian Caliphate
- Secular Republic of Turkey
- East Anataolia
- Constantinople
- Cyprus
- Israel
- Palestine
- Jerusalem
- Transcaucasian Federation
- Commonwealth of Turkestan
- Yakut (Awakened Siberia)
- Syria
- City-states of Afghanistan
- Philippines
- Papua New Guinea
- Ring of Fire
- Shadows of Asia
See Also[]
External Links[]
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Asia. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Shadowrun Wiki, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License. |
This page forked from Wordman's The Sixth World: A geographical index to the world of Shadowrun