Shadowrun Wiki

European Computer & Cybertechnology or ECC Eurotronics was founded as an answer to Asian dominance in the computer and electronics markets (Renraku, MCT, Shiawase). Several European corporations united to create a counterweight. Against those opponents ECC fights hard, using all legal and quasi-legal means available. It also competes with Aztechnology on the European market of personal electronic appliances.

Eurotronics is a consortium: it is a corporation, incorporated and headquartered in Turin, Italy, whose shareholders (also called "consortium members") are the European electronic manufacturer who conduct business together.

Consortium members[]

  • Alcatel-Nokia
  • Consumer Electronics Amalgamated (Philips, Polaris, Xenon)
  • Gemsys
  • Siemens-Nixdorf

In the past years, nearly all of the members of the Eurotronics Consortium passed under the direct or indirect control of one of the Prime Megacorporations: Alcatel-Nokia is controlled by Cross Applied Technologies and Erika, Gemsys by Novatech, and Siemens-Nixdorf and CEA by Saeder-Krupp (Siemens-Nixdorf being previously affiliated to Fuchi). The arrival of S-K in particular had a big impact, the megacorporation's maneuvers to manipulate the consortium making several of its business partners leave.

Major Subsidiaries[]

Cyberdynamix is ECC's Matrix branch. While its products are generally less advanced than their Asian equivalents they are quite durable and notably cheaper.

The End[]

Somewhen after Crash 2.0 ECC Eurotronics was dissolved. Those assets not belonging to one of the consortium members were bought by NeoNET.
This includes the former Cyberdynamix/DrakenSys arcology in the SOX.


Differences between US and German material[]

Eurotronics was first introduced in the German sourcebook Deutschland in der Schatten translated to English under the title Germany Sourcebook with no discernable alteration concerning this corporation (page 61). It was presented as a single corporation created by a merger of various other companies, with the original company names now existing only as brand names.
Later, details in the American sourcebook Corporate Download (page 87) implied that Eurotronics had a consortium structure instead (meaning the founding companies still existed as separate entities - see Eurocar).
Even though the German sourcebook Deutschland in den Schatten II still presented the "original" Eurotronics Shadows of Europe followed Corporate Download and clearly stated that Eurotronics was a consortium (pages 15, 22, 23 and 24).

