French Guiana | |
flag |
Capital | Unknown |
Government | Unknown |
Leaders | |
Population | Unknown |
Land area | |
GDP (total) | Unknown |
(per capita) | |
Major Ethnic Groups | |
Major Languages Spoken | |
Major Religions | |
Currency | Euro (€) (Nuyen accepted) |
Also known as Guyane or Guyane Française, French Guiana is located on the Caribbean coast of South America, in an area known as the Guiana highlands. French Guiana has so far withheld being annexed by neighboring Amazonia, perhaps due to France because it's an oversea French department (district) or Saeder-Krupp influence.
Two main cities : Cayenne and Kourou. Whole territory mostly under heavy tropical forest, metahuman presence is mainly on the coast line.
Corporate Presence:
Saeder-Krupp purchased the Centre Spatial Guyanais in Kourou. Proteus AG also runs a partially submerged arkoblock with a launch facility in the vicinity of Devil Island archipelago. Novatech is in the process of building an aerospace facility in Cayenne.
Aside from subsistence farming, gold mining and lumber- none of which brings in much revenue- Guyana has few physical resources, forcing it to rely on its location to earn money.
Saeder-Krupp owns Ariane Center outside of Kourou (yotc.15).
14 km NNW off the coast of Kourou, on and between the three Îles du salut (Salvation's islands), Proteus AG runs a partially submerged arkoblock with a space launch facility (yotc.16) (wotc15-20).
France still conducts underground nuclear tests, mostly offshore from French Guiana as a show of bravado against Amazonia and Saeder-Krupp (SotA 2064.15).
Novatech is building a 'massive' aerospace complex outside of Cayenne next to the airport (Wake of the Comet.12).
See The Messenger adventure from Wake of the Comet for more Sixth World data on French Guiana.
External links[]
This page forked from Wordman's The Sixth World: A geographical index to the world of Shadowrun