Shadowrun Wiki

A Grendel is an ork (or ork variant) infected with HMHVV II.


The first documented instance of a Grendel was in 2070 in Pittsburgh / UCAS.

Physical Appearance

Grendel have, compared to uninfected Orks, a stronger, usually matted head facial and body hair, which may be called a coat. Their tusks appear more prominent and they have greatly extended arms. When they move on all fours rather than on two legs, they can reach amazing speeds.


Though little is known about the Grendel, they appear to favour the cellars of abandoned buildings, abandoned subway tunnels and other undercround structures, probably due to their sunlight allergy. They retain much of their Ork metatypes abilities, such as low light vision, but also gain new ones, such as Thermographic Vision. Known to exert an uncanny control on vermin, they can sometimes be found with entire packs of rats that they keep as guards and/or pets. They are solitary scavengers who - according to previous observations - rarely live together in intimate relationships. Grendels mainly feed on dead animals but will consume anything they find edible and are not known to distain metahuman flesh.

A large population of grendels appears to be thriving under Paris in the famous Catacombes.

MMVV infection

The average duration of a transformation orcs after infection with MMVV-II is 18 days

SR3 statistics


B Q S C I W E R Init
8 4 (×3) 8 4 1/4 4 5 4 4+1D6

Attacks: Humanoid, +1 Reach

Powers: Animal Control (Subterranean Critters), Enhanced Senses (Low-Light Vision, Smell, Thermographic Vision). Pestilence (HMHVV-2).

Weaknesses: Allergy (Sunlight, Mild)

Notes: Running multiplier on all fours is ×4. Charisma score is only used in relation to its Animal Control power.


External links
