Corporate Intelligence Agencies[]
- Ares Macrotechnology Ares Arms Military Systems Division
- Ares Macrotechnology AresSpace Information Resources
- Ares Macrotechnology Knight Errant
- Aztechnology Corporate Intelligence
- Corporate Court Crisis Coordination Committee (C5)
- Corporate Court Matrix Authority/Grid Overwatch Division (CCMA/GOD)
- Esprit Industries Service de Documentation d'Esprit International (SDEI)
- Evo Special Security Detail
- Evo Yamatetsu Naval Technologies
- KITT Research and Information Solutions
- MCT Intelligence
- MCT Internal Security (IntSec)
- Monobe Global Information Operations
- NeoNET Novatech Information Solutions
- Renraku Fuchi Intelligence Systems
- Renraku Keruba Military Solutions
- Saeder-Krupp Prime
- Shiawase Marketing Information and Forecasting Department (MIFD)
- Wuxing Office of Market Research and Analysis
- Yakashima Corporate Resources Analysis
Independent Intelligence Agencies[]
- Aegis Cognito
- Index-Axa Infolio
- Millennium Consulting
- Special Information Services
Intergovernmental Intelligence Agencies[]
- Sovereign Tribal Council Truth Dancers
- Front Range Free Zone Zone Defense Force
- United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO)
- United Nations Committee on Megacorporate Affairs (COMA)
- Interpol
National Intelligence Agencies[]
- Allied German States Bundesamt für Innere Sicherheit (BIS)
- Amazonia Intelligence Service / Departamento de Inteligencia e Seguranca Amazonica (DISA)
- Australian Intelligence and Security Enforcement (AISE)
- CFS Intelligence Service (IS)
- Cuba Dirección General de Intelligencia (DGI)
- France Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (DGSE)
- India Intelligence Bureau
- India Research & Intelligence Directorate
- Israel AMAN
- Israel Mossad
- Israel Shin Bet
- Japan Japanese Intelligence Agency (JIA)
- Japan Imperial Military Intelligence
- Korea National Intelligence Service (NIS)
- Pueblo Corporate Council Competition Analysis & Management Office
- Pueblo Corporate Council External Affairs
- Pueblo Corporate Council Pueblo Security Forces Intelligence
- Russia Glavnoye Razvedovatel'noye Upranleniy (GRU)
- Russia Ministerstvo Vnutrennikh Del (MVD)
- Russia Upravleniye Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (UGB)
- Shaanxi Wanguo Anbu
- Sioux Nation Office of Military Intelligence (OMI)
- Tir Tairngire Information Secretariat
- Tír na nÓg Tír Republican Corps
- UK General Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)
- UK Security Service (MI-5)
- UK Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6)
- UK Oversight Office
- UK Ministry of Defense Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR)
CAS Intelligence Community[]
- Department of Domestic Investigation (DDI)
- Department of Strategic Intelligence (DSI)
- Extraterritoriality Registry and Liaison Agency (ERLA)
UCAS Intelligence Community[]
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
- UCAS Consular Operations (ConsOps), defunct.
Other Intelligence-Gathering Organizations[]
- Anarchist Black Star
- Roman Catholic Church New Society of Jesus (New Jesuits)
- Roman Catholic Church Order of the Temple (New Templars)
- Roman Catholic Church Vigilia Evangelica
- Fallen Seraphim
- The Watchers (Varies)
- Primary source: Spy Games, "Intelligence Agencies" p. 172
- DISA (rh.126)
- State of the Art: 2064, pp. 6–39
- Aegis Cognito (la.68-71, se.126-127)
- AISE (tal.18)
- CAS ERLA, DSI, and DDI (sna.65-67)
- DIA and OMI are constantly probing each other (sa64.14)
- DGI uses hougans to possess people (sa64.12)
- DGSE (se.87)
- GRU and UGB (sa.126-127)
- Infolio belongs to Index-Axa (la.71)
- Knight-Errant is Ares' intelligence agency (sa64.14)
- Millennium Consulting is a private intelligence corporation out of Hong Kong (la.68)
- New Society of Jesus (azt.96, se.99)
- NIS occasionally works for the Japanese (sa.184)
- NSA is interested in the Wireless Matrix Initiative (sa64.9)
- SDEI (se.87)
- Special Information Services is a private intelligence corporation in the CAS (la.68, sg.132-33)
- Sioux Nation Office of Military Intelligence (sna.129)
- UCAS NRO (sna.65, ct.120)
- UNATCO is described as part-intelligence agency, part police. (la.62)
- Vigilia Evangelica (la.101-105)
- The Wanguo Anbu often spies on Beijing (sa.40)
- Interpol (cp!.51)
- Maximillon's restaurant is used by the MCT intelligence agency (ssb.32)
- Nadja Daviar is reaching out to the various Watchers factions (sl.151)
- After his appearance, many Watchers joined Ghostwalker (sota64.29)
- Revelations of Dunkelzahn's Watchers network (poad.88)
- CFS Intelligence Service is often used as a front for the Japanese Intelligence Agency (ssb.89)
- Runner Havens (DHS, FBI, nDEA, IRS, NSA, CIA have intelligence units in Seattle).
- Seattle Sourcebook (FBI, NSA both conduct domestic intelligence-gathering).
- State of the Art: 2064 (references to CIA, DIA, FBI, NRC, NRO, NSA).
- Target: Wastelands (NRC conducts intelligence-gathering on nuclear weapons and technology).