Shadowrun Wiki

Monika Schäfer is a character in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.


She is a veteran runner and a master decker, Monika runs a shadowrunning crews in the Flux State and a strong believer in the ideology of the Flux. This leaves her somewhat vulnerable to manipulation, such as when Green Winters manipulated her into the Harfeld Manor Run by claiming she could recover information crucial to the security of the Flux State.

She is a crucial element of the fragile balance of power at the Kreuzbasar, where she has close ties with the people seeking out an existence in the shadow.


  • Monika organized the Harfeld Manor Run together with Green Winters. Supposed to be a milk run, it went sideways when bio-feedback killed Monika while hacking the vault beneath the estate. All she uttered was Feuerschwinge.
  • In APEX Rising, APEX assumes the persona of Monika, revealing that it killed her and absorbed her memories.

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Video Game Characters
SNES Jake ArmitageKitsuneDrake
Dragonfall Monika SchäferDietrichGloryEigerBlitzLofwyrFeuerschwinge