Republic of Tuscany | |
Capital | Firenze |
Government | Federation |
Leaders | Unknown |
Population | Unknown |
Land area | |
GDP (total) | Unknown |
(per capita) | |
Major Ethnic Groups | |
Major Languages Spoken | |
Major Religions | |
Currency | Nuyen (¥) |
The Republic of Tuscany (Italian: Repubblica di Toscana) is one of the various member states of the Italian Confederation.
The capital is the city of Firenze.
The Republic of Tuscany has a border in the north to the Republic of Modena and a coastal area to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. It also has a border in the east to the Emilia Romagna and a longer border in the south to the Papal States.
This page forked from Wordman's The Sixth World: A geographical index to the world of Shadowrun
- Shadows of Europe 96 Infobox, 104, map: 98
Sixth World Almanac map: 148
- Threats 2 102, 104-105