Shadowrun Wiki
(Saar-Lorraine-Luxembourg Special Administrative Zone)
Capital Unknown
Government Provisional Corporacy
Population ~20.000 corporate employees
Land area
GDP (total) Unknown
(per capita)
Major Ethnic Groups
Major Languages Spoken
Major Religions
Currency Nuyen (¥)

The Saar-Lorraine-Luxembourg Special Administrative Zone, also known as the SOX or the Zone, is a sealed emergency zone recognized by the Allied German States and France. The SOX was established to contain the damage caused by the meltdown of the Cattenom reactors in 2008. The SOX has been walled off by a series of 5-meter high, 3-meter thick reinforced concrete barriers, secured by automated defenses and monitored by watchtowers positioned at 7 kilometer intervals along the wall. In 2053, complete control of the SOX was handed over to a private stricture called the Kontrollrat/Conseil d'Administration (Administrative Council), a joint-corporate partnership including AG Chemie Europa, Ares Macrotechnology, Eastern Star Pharmaceuticals, IFMU, Proteus AG, Renraku, Saeder-Krupp and other corporations. The mercenary company MET2000 has a contract to provide perimeter security.


On March 4th 2008 the primary and secondary cooling system of the Cattenom nuclear reactor shut down. The overworked crew failed to stop the core meltdown and Block Two of the reactor exploded, releasing a radioactive steam cloud into the immediate area.

Due to the VITAS pandemic the construction of the protective wall around the contaminated zone and the effectiveness of the closure of the area were delayed in 2010. The construction of the Wall was taken over by the BMW subsidiary Bouygues.

In 2053, France and Germany were pressured into handing control of the SOX to the corporations, including Saeder-Krupp, Ares, AG Chemie and France Énergie.

In Fall 2070 the Rad Wars were held for the first time near the town of Metz.

SOX establishment, maintenance, and security [1]


Corporations are conducting a decontamination process in the area. But the SOX is primarily used for radiological research and military technology testing. The radiations levels also provide physical and magical security to sensitive research compounds.


This page forked from Wordman's The Sixth World: A geographical index to the world of Shadowrun

  1. o03317300Target: Wastelands, 26-27


Notes on terminology[]

Cattenom is often referred to as Cattenom-GAU in English with no reason. GAU, "Größter Anzunehmender Unfall", is German terminology for a major nuclear accident, literally meaning "largest assumable accident", which has no reason to be used in an English text about a French nuclear power plant.

"Kontrollrat" is translated in English as "Administrative Council", while a more proper translation could be "Control Council". The French form (probably in use since parts of the SOX were French and Luxembourg territory) would be "Conseil d'Administration".


  • SOX - sourcebook/adventure for SR Fourth Edition (German and French only)
  • Walzer, Punks & Schwarzes ICE - Sourcebook for SR Second Edition (German only)