- Shadowrun Concept: Jordan Weisman, Bob Charrette, Paul Hume, Tom Dowd, L. Ross Babcock III, Sam Lewis, Dave Wylie
- First Edition Design: Bob Charrette, Paul Hume, Tom Dowd
- Development and Design SRII: Tom Dowd
- Plus ca change: Paul Hume
- Additional Material: Bob Charrette, Paul Hume, Nigel Findley, Phillip McGregor, Karl Wu
- Proofreading FASA: Donna Ippolito, Sharon Tumer Mulvihill, Diane Piron
- Art Director: Jeff Laubenstein, Projektmanager, Joel Biske, Jeff Laubenstein
- Cover Art: Larry Elmore
- Cover Design: Joel Biske, Jeff Laubenstein
- Shadowrun Logo: Jeff Laubenstein, Jim Nelson, Dana Knutson
- Color Illustration: Jeff Laubenstein, Joel Biske, Jim Nelson, Janet Aulisio
- B&W lllustration: Jeff Laubenstein, Joel Biske, Jim Nelson, Dana Knutson, Janet Aulisio, Tim Bradstreet, Mike Nielsen, Earl Geier, Dan Dmith, Steve Venters, Duane Loose
- Maps and Diagramms: Joel Biske
- Interrior Design: Jeff Laubenstein, Joel Biske, Tara Gallagher
- Layout: Tara Gallagher
- Marquette: Emie Hemandez
Source:Shadowrun Second Edition/Credits